PyFence: type verification for Python

    PyFence is a self-made utility-library that allows you to monitor type matching while debugging your project. PyFence takes type information from function docstrings in the standard Sphinx format . That is, if you already have documentation, you do not need to do anything else to use PyFence!

    For example, take the following class:

    classRationalFormatter(object):defformat(self, number):"""
            Stringifies a number to numerator/denominator format
                >>> print(RationalFormatter().format(1.25))
            :param number: input number
            :type  number: float
            :raises      : None
            :rtype       : str
            """return'%i/%i' % number.as_integer_ratio()
        defdisplay(self, number):
            print(str(number) + ' = ' + self.format(number))

    The format method represents a fraction number using the float.as_integer_ratio ()
    method .

    >>> from formatter import RationalFormatter
    >>> f = RationalFormatter()
    >>> f.display(1.25)
    1.25 = 5/4

    Does it seem to work? However, everything will break if you pass int , because int , unfortunately, does not contain .as_integer_ratio () .

    >>> f.display(5)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 5, in <module>
      File "/home/eugeny/Work/pyfence/", line 18, in display
        print(str(number) + ' = ' + self.format(number))
      File "/home/eugeny/Work/pyfence/", line 15, in format
        return'%i/%i' % number.as_integer_ratio()
    AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'as_integer_ratio'

    However, when using PyFence, such a problem could have been noticed much earlier:

    $ pip install pyfence
    $ fence --fence:strict,stop
    1.25 = 5/4
     *** PyFence ERROR ---------------------------
     *** PyFence ERROR PyFence verification failed
     *** PyFence ERROR  :: example_formatter.RationalFormatter.format(<example_formatter.RationalFormatter object at 0x7ff097a47d10>, 5)
     *** PyFence ERROR in
     *** PyFence ERROR number was 5 (int) instead of ['float']
     *** PyFence ERROR Aborting

    In addition, PyFence can check the types of exceptions and return types that occur in functions / methods.
    You can also import the pyfence module in the project itself, in which case you do not have to use a separate fence utility .
    Of course, it is worth using fence only during development, and not in production, since due to checks, a drop in performance is possible.

    I will be very grateful to any feedback and pull requests !

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