We share technological content: collected all our materials on one site


    Our colleagues constantly speak at technical conferences of various scales, from meetings of local communities to world forums. We often hold meetings in our office for developers for whom we are looking for and find the most interesting speakers. And now, for more than two years, we have been telling the work of Avito’s technical department in various sources with a small but proud team of a technopiere. It all started with Twitter, continued Facebook, then we started sharing engineering stories here on Habré.
    As a result, a lot of content of different subjects was accumulated (backend and frontend, mobile development and testing, DevOps and high loads ...), which is quite difficult to understand and find the necessary information in different sources. We were often asked if there was a place where there was everything about Avito technology. And now, it seems that we have grown so much that we are ready to combine the collected over the years on a separate site. Meet - avito.tech !


    We added to the site links to absolutely all the meetings (thematic meetings, competitions, community meetings) that we held (or are planning to hold) in Avito's office. At the time of writing the post there, for example, there is an active link to register at the Android Academy school, which will be held in our office this fall.

    And of course, you can see all the archived events on topics of interest. If (for example) this is an android development, you will see a complete list of events on this topic : from the recent mobile testing test (Run, Test, Run!) To the meeting, which was dated 2016, when we discussed Kotlin 1.0 together.


    On the tab with the video, we have collected all the available recordings of the speeches of our fellow engineers. If you wanted to learn something about Avito, this may be a good starting point. You can search by tags: for example, if you click on “ backend ”, you will learn how in (it seems) distant 2016 we stored and processed a billion ads on 10 servers in the back office. Or get acquainted with the theory of how garbage collectors are arranged in general and in Go in particular. Choose your theme or add everything to the youtube playlist.


    Of course, those who read us on Habré are not surprising, but we have collected all the publications too. Each new post here or in an English-language blog on Medium will definitely appear in this section . There are also links to podcasts with the participation of our colleagues, if you like listening more than reading and watching. Everything can be searched by tags.

    useful links

    In addition, from avito.tech you can go to our career page with a full list of vacancies in Avito. View open source sources on GitHub , get acquainted with the team playbook , where our processes are described, and technological radar , where it is shown in an interactive way what we use and what we have in our plans.
    And, of course, contact us if you have cool ideas for technical events, reports or a request for an interview or a technical expert comment.

    Well, a disclaimer

    The site rolled out recently, and we will complement and update it. But my colleagues and I hope that he can begin to benefit today. Feel free to make suggestions for his work and content.

    Thanks to colleagues who have made efforts to create the site and its content.
    We will develop further. Stay tuned.

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