Teamlead Conf 2019 Msk: about another communication format


    Less than a month remains before Teamlead Conf 2019 - a professional conference on team leaders and for team leaders. We decided on the final program and selected, in our opinion, the best 32 reports from almost 140 applications submitted. Yes, the competition this time made a record 4.3 reports for us, and this, believe me, is still a problem for the program committee. We spent a lot of time conferring which of the applications to take to the final program, and which ones still leave behind. There was a huge amount of high-quality reports that did not go further just because our system had even better ones. Under the cut thoughts about the conference and the announcement of the new track.

    Generally, when we started thinking about this conference, we deliberately raised the bar to ourselves higher. We have already written that we want to pass 700 participants for the mark, for which we even decided to leave the cozy Information Space to the more spacious Radisson Slavyanskaya. And in order to fulfill an overvalued plan, it is necessary to raise the quality, isn’t it? It was from here that such a crazy competition took place, we are to blame ourselves :) But we are doing all this for the participants, so we don’t complain.

    What distinguishes a cool conference from the usual, except for excellent organization and a delicious lunch? Reports, you will surely say, and you will be right. If the event does not provide answers to the sore questions, if the topics proposed from the stage are not interesting, then people will not go for it and the conference will fail. But there is another side to the success of the conference - this is communication. The opportunity to personally ask the speaker, get an expert opinion, get advice or answers to your urgent questions, and just talk with colleagues from other companies - all this makes the conference a valuable event that benefits.

    Those of you who have been or have watched the past Teamlead Conf in Moscow and St. Petersburg, have probably seen a couple of reports there, which were called the “Round Table”. This is a format in which there is no single speaker, but there is a common theme. We collected questions from the audience on this topic, somehow arranged them, and then invited several experts to the stage, and with their help tried to answer these questions. It turned out pretty lively discussion that could go anywhere. The format of the round tables is our attempt to combine the two benefits of the conference - reports and communication - in one bottle. On the one hand there are experts, on the other - audience involvement and exchange of views in real time.

    As the reviews showed, our participants really liked this format. So much so that we in the program committee decided to make it a separate independent stream at the upcoming conference. We have allocated a full-fledged hall for 100 people, where both days will be held only round tables and formats close to them. At the same time, we took into account the experience of past conferences, and extended the time for each table to 2 hours. Thus, everyone will have enough time to ask all the sore questions and, most importantly, get answers to them. There will be six round tables, three each day. Here are their topics:

    • Working with remote employees and distributed teams is the working title for the topic, which was perhaps the most popular among all applications for reports - managing development in distributed environments. This is an outsourcing with Western customers, and large companies with offices in different cities, and freelance freelancers. How to manage people and projects, when between you thousands of kilometers and several time zones? Let's try to figure it out together.
    • Do your employees know who is responsible for their personal growth in the company? - The theme of personal growth of employees is extremely important. A good leader should always strive to have his subordinates learn something new every day and progress. At this round table, we will try to figure out who is responsible for their growth and what is the role of the leader in this process.
    • How do the team leaders interact effectively with HR and not go crazy - engineering and HR - friends or foes? The topic is very painful, fraught with many mutual insults and misunderstandings. We will try to find a common language and find out where HR can and should be a friend to the team leader.
    • Knowledge management in project teams - “Oldies' bikes are the best documentation” vs “We write a ton of specs and feel great”. We will discuss how to reconcile these two positions, why and how you can successfully combine self-documenting code, oral tradition and documentation as is. Spoiler: we do not know yet. Therefore, we are waiting for help from the audience and live communication.
    • Workshop "Experience as a game: manage conflict between teams" - not quite a round table, but also an extremely interesting activity. Olga Davydova and Vasily Tararyshkin from CFT will try to hold a training / workshop in two hours, during which participants will have to try on the role of moderating the conflict and find a way out of the “hot” situation between the teams. During the master class, participants will be able to exchange views and approaches to conflict resolution, try themselves as a group discussion leader.
    • We have another trump card up the sleeve, which we are not yet ready to show. The same format for 2 hours, but about a unique skill that not everyone has, but which can be developed. I will not say anything more, follow the announcement.

    These are the round tables and workshops we have prepared for you. It seems to me that, in addition to the reports of excellent quality, the format where live communication is put in the first place will make participation in the conference truly unforgettable and, most importantly, useful.
    In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the theses of the reports on the conference website.

    By the way, according to the latest data, the current forecast of the number of participants has exceeded 800. If everything really happens, then we will not only reach the overestimated goals, but we will be able to exceed this plan. And frankly, in our hearts we hope that we will be able to gather even 1000 people. It will be a huge success both for us and for the participants themselves. After all, the more you, the better the communication, the more new acquaintances and the better the event.

    We hope for the best and are waiting for you at Teamlead Conf 2019 on February 25-26 in Moscow in Radisson Slavyanskaya. Tickets are still there, places too. Do not miss the opportunity to take part in the largest tmilid tmilidov.

    See you!

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