Learning can not be postponed or not only by machine learning is a person alive

    Habr, hello! Soon September 1, and it brings thoughts about learning. If to paraphrase a well-known expression from the Soviet cartoon: “one cannot learn to postpone”, then the question remains where to put a comma.

    We decided to give the opportunity to share our impressions of the program “Big Data Specialist”graduates of the spring group. Their stories are different: someone postponed their studies for a long time, but realized that it was time; and for someone, the decision to go on an offline program, and moving from another country with an established life 2 weeks before the start of the program, was a deliberate step; for some, the opinion of friends and colleagues who have already completed the program was decisive after some thought; and someone rushed to study with his head, realizing that they lacked basic knowledge, and successfully ran a marathon at 12 weeks; Someone at the age of 16 sold his project - a system of admission to the event with face recognition - and decided to continue to study big data. So, who are our participants, why did they go to the program, what did they learn, and how did they survive the 3 months of the program.


    Anton Chugreev, Chief Analyst, Technology Development Center, Sberbank

    “I started working with big data in 2016. My first project was in a telecommunications company. After that, life “started to turn out” and projects from different industries went: both banks, and telecom, and even from the oil and gas sector, where there were very interesting ideas and cool things to implement.

    But at some point I realized that I did not have enough knowledge to continue to develop from a technical point of view. I have been looking at this program for a very long time, collecting comments, reviews. I was looking for an insider, how everything is arranged “inside” there. And at some point I decided for myself to go on the program. There was an opportunity to consult with acquaintances who work in Internet companies, they partly had a hand in creating this course. Finally, they said: “Anton, do not be afraid, go, you will have a very large practice base during these 12 weeks of intensive work that will allow you to feel, to understand how this works under the hood.”

    I do not regret at all these past 12 weeks of the spring-summer period of my life. I can say that at first it was very difficult. At some point, I realized that I was already starting to work at the limit of my abilities: these are sleepless nights, these are chat rooms in the slough till 4-5 in the morning. Yes, there was such a load! But being involved in this rhythm, you are already getting a high for combining work and training. You are already looking forward to when the new lab is being filled in, so that your brain is already beginning to look for ideas on how to solve it and what is missing for you.

    In general, I want to say that this is a cool time lived. Each of us comes to the program with some goals. I had my own: "I am here because I need it." I believe that the program at least I executed. Some things at the start were already familiar to me, some were not, I sometimes had to struggle very hard with some things, find solutions, and as for new ones, I learned the methods of solving them. On this program I got for myself the opportunity to expand my horizons of the areas that I need to pull up and develop. I understand where the "magic" is hidden.

    In the process of learning questions arose, the answers to which could only be found by googling. There were situations when some very nontrivial features and tasks that I could not find solutions on the Internet became a stumbling block. And every morning I woke up with the thought, “How can this problem be solved?” And when it was possible to solve it, it turned out a kind of achievement, pleasure, inner euphoria from what happened, I could do it. And this is an important experience! In the course of googling information, I expanded my area of ​​knowledge, I understood that this was a separate thread on a particular topic. For example, in the topic of recommender systems I managed to solve the lab and supergame using a completely different method of learning algorithm. And the python code is even shorter than buddy J.

    In this way, I received knowledge, "bumps" and, of course, a new circle of contacts. "


    Mikhail Pavlukhin, Angel Relations Group, IT-specialist

    “I am 17 years old, a year ago I went to a scientific school on machine learning, where I studied the basics of neural networks. Then I realized that I want to develop in this direction. So I started a project with face recognition for one organization, and then I realized that I can use ready-made solutions, but I want to understand how to do it myself in order to work much more efficiently. This was the reason that I decided to take this course in order to learn how to work with big data, process it, I didn’t have experience with Spark clusters, and it was very interesting. I saw how fast the data was processed, and this was very cool for the first time: some gigabytes were processed in a couple of seconds.

    In general, it is interesting, especially the first project was interesting. It was necessary to predict the gender and age of people, and it was necessary not only to correctly predict, there the key condition was that, as for production, it was necessary that the model still work quickly. And it was hard, because there is always a desire to make a bunch of models and somehow combine them, but it’s also necessary that they fit them in time - and this was the most difficult in the project. And the most interesting was the work with Spark, this whole system was new for me, and I appreciated how convenient it is when everything works on several clusters. The business track was very useful, because there they were told how to choose the right metrics. Before that, you think: well, this metric will go. And here they explained, in which cases it is necessary to choose RMSE, and in which cases it is necessary to choose MAE. I, for example, thought

    What could advise those who are considering the program? Probably the most important thing is to communicate with participants who study with you, chat, consult with them, ask questions so that they can help, you can help. It is also possible to work in groups when discussing a solution on how to do better. Well, I haven’t yet put it off until later, because I already had such a situation with the penultimate laby, when I thought that I would be in time for the weekend, in the end I barely had time, 10 minutes left before the deadline. ”


    Evgeny Semenov, an individual entrepreneur, is engaged in SAP projects

    “I have been working in IT for 15 years. I mainly work and love working with modern technologies and therefore I came to this course. First, when I plunged into data science, there was Data Fest in Mail.ru, it was cool, interesting, the only thing that I couldn’t get into this topic somehow, because projects take a lot of time, the work just takes all the time and you can not as a student take and come to such an area. But the desire was already overpowered, and I decided to take courses, and so it turned out to be here. I looked at two companies where I wanted to take courses and the main decision was that my friend was studying here, I asked his opinion, he said that he was a cool company, come learn. Then I looked that the program is very rich and interesting, compared to the second competitor, and it goes for a short time, and that was fine with me, because I don’t want to study for a long time either,

    I was a little depressed, because I didn’t do a project, and this also affected my self-conceit. I did not make a second project, and this, of course, affects somehow my expectations, my self-esteem, and at the same time it shows my weak points, where I have to consider some things for myself. Learning allows me to try, feel something and enter this area. Of course, maybe it will not teach you to do everything completely, but in any case, the program that was, and the vacancies that now exist, can be considered and you can get a job if you wish.

    In general, I had a very tight schedule, I did not sit on the spot, I went to theatrical courses, to the sport, in the morning I still do English and then these courses additionally, that is, my schedule was just full time filled with something and sometimes I I did not even understand how I could survive at all. But with regard to the course, there appeared such a drive when you learn new technologies, you understand how it works in the world. You have your ideas and you want to try to implement them. Probably, he lived in some such sensation, and these ideas remained with me, and I will probably continue to implement them.

    Life hacking is one: you have to decide for yourself that you will do this and be fully involved in this process and then you will enjoy it and then you can change your life. ”


    Oksana Strashinskaya, Luxoft, Business Data Analyst

    The interview was taken in the middle of the program: “In general, the area of ​​Data Science is very interesting for me. And I wanted to touch her in a little more detail than I used to do in work, but it was not clear what should be done. I wanted to get new opportunities in further development as a professional, so this was one of the goals of my coming here to the program. The study is very interesting, very exciting, at the same time it is very difficult, it requires a lot of attention, participation and a serious attitude to it. And I understand for myself that in order to successfully cope with what is being offered, it is indisputable that it is not enough just to listen to lectures, not only to do laboratory work, it is better to devote a lot of time to diving deeper into the topic, more widely recognize and stack into the system what the program gives. The program currently exceeds my expectations, because it was initially stated that there will be various blocks: technological, algorithms, business, and lecturers will tell us the relevant information. But in fact it turned out that the guys who came to us are very strong, they are really professionals in their work, they love and deeply understand what they are doing and try to give us what they know. As for the group, everyone is very active, open about sharing their knowledge, skills, telling something interesting, sharing links, places and code, so that everyone can take this course together. ” But in fact it turned out that the guys who came to us are very strong, they are really professionals in their work, they love and deeply understand what they are doing and try to give us what they know. As for the group, everyone is very active, open about sharing their knowledge, skills, telling something interesting, sharing links, places and code, so that everyone can take this course together. ” But in fact it turned out that the guys who came to us are very strong, they are really professionals in their work, they love and deeply understand what they are doing and try to give us what they know. As for the group, everyone is very active, open about sharing their knowledge, skills, telling something interesting, sharing links, places and code, so that everyone can take this course together. ”

    2 months after the end of the program: “I changed jobs, and where there was no big data, my colleague and programmer made them as such. It’s really a thrill to open a laptop on a python, process data, say exactly what needs to be done, and clearly understand what I want to receive. ”

    Yegor Shvetsov
    “I used to do online marketing, advertising, and we sold excursions in Thailand, but before that I had always had a great interest in data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence. I read it myself, tried, learned something and eventually came to the conclusion that it would be much more interesting for me to do this, and decided to give up everything and start developing in a different direction. Then there was the question of where to study, there are a lot of different online courses and programs on the Internet, but I also wanted something offline. And from the offline selection was not so big: in fact, Newprolab was one of the offline programs where you can chat with colleagues, with students, with whom you study, with teachers. In addition, reviews on the Internet were quite good, and I did not regret. Three months of training were very fast, intensive. And if you compare my knowledge of artificial intelligence, machine learning before that and now, the difference will be big. It seems to be three months, but I still learned quite a lot, got practical skills, experience and most importantly, if before that it was not clear how to develop further, in which direction to move in the field of machine learning, now everything has become quite clear and clear. If I started to study it myself with different courses, online programs, it would still be difficult to figure out which direction to go, but now everything has become clear, and for this many thanks to Newprolab. that if before that it was not clear how to develop further, in which direction to move in the field of machine learning, now everything has become quite clear and clear. If I started to study it myself with different courses, online programs, it would still be difficult to figure out which direction to go, but now everything has become clear, and for this many thanks to Newprolab. that if before that it was not clear how to develop further, in which direction to move in the field of machine learning, now everything has become quite clear and clear. If I started to study it myself with different courses, online programs, it would still be difficult to figure out which direction to go, but now everything has become clear, and for this many thanks to Newprolab.

    Laboratory work is an interesting part of the program. Laboratory work was complex and, honestly, the knowledge that was given at lectures was not always enough, I had to constantly finish my studies at home, to get knowledge, to understand and to understand further. These labs are the practical experience that is later taken out. Of course, I could sit down at home, figure it out myself, but here they are confronted with this task, they say that you need to finish this task in a week, you do it, they crush you and progress is being made. For me personally, such a punching is very important and, it turns out, effective. ”

    Makrushina Zhanna, Information Security Department, Sberbank

    “I went to the program because I had an interest in data science, I wanted to understand whether it is applicable to my tasks, because all these technologies are now very much agitated, and it is not always possible to estimate what can actually give a profit. The program had a good feedback, from our department people went through it, and they said that they were very competent and helpful labs, which really turned out to be so. Most of the program is practical, not dry information - for me it played a very big role.
    I received a lot of answers to my questions, the program allowed me to understand the goal that is set for each of the products covered and those possible cases where they can be used, including in my industry. Although it was not covered, but the way information is presented, it seems to me, it is very competent in the sense that it was easy to shift to another subject area, provided that a sufficiently large number of examples are given that can be twisted. I really liked Hadoop, Hive, since I have a corresponding background with SQL, and this was close to me. It was interesting that one of the biggest phobias was that I could not cope with python, since it was completely unfamiliar with it and such “wow, easy went.” It was interesting. Complicated? Yes, difficult. But if the labs were simple, then what's the point? This is a big plus of the program, that it is not for show,


    Nikita Verkienko, Accenture, consultant

    “I have long wanted to get some new knowledge, but as you know, big data and artificial intelligence have a great future. I was familiar with the “Big Data Specialist” in absentia for a long time, many familiar guys were trained and were very pleased, so the program went with great interest. I expected not only to get into the question, to master the basic skills, to gain an understanding of the technologies and methods of machine learning, but also to meet interesting people and practice with real examples.

    I did not have a background programmer, so at first it was especially difficult. There is such a notion “potential pit”, in order to get out of it, you need to expend a large amount of energy. So this is about me in the early stages of training: it took me a lot of effort to get basic knowledge and understand where, how and where to apply them. Yes, in general, all three months were rather tense: I spent almost all my free time on the execution of a lab. I do not know how the others, but I consistently sat out weekends and week evenings for tasks. However, the further I went, the more interesting it became, and I absolutely do not regret the time spent. Now I can say that my expectations are more than justified: I opened the door to the data scientist community. Everyone who goes to this program needs to be prepared for what will be really difficult.

    “Learn, not to postpone” - this choice was made by our graduates, but where do you put a comma?

    On September 20, the “Big Data Specialist 9.0” starts; we always have a 15% discount on alumni’s friends and fellow graduates, installments are possible.

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