1500 publications, a captcha game for programmers and a broken brainstorming: 10 years to our blog
Friends, on August 9, our blog turned 10 years old. During this time, the blog has experienced ups and downs, we searched for authors among the employees and grope our way. Although it is customary to receive gifts on a birthday, we distribute them. For example, in honor of the anniversary, we drew a stickpack for ICQ, Mail.Ru Agent , Telegram and Tam-Tam (look for the words Habr, habr, mail ), which we gladly give to the habrasoobshchestvo, use.
We also give prizes to everyone who decides on our programmer captcha with a search for bugs in the code, and then you can choose a prize for your taste from the ones available. We invite you to participate in the entire community!
For ten years, about 290 authors have written 1,560 publications. In honor of the anniversary, we collected and congratulated our authors, and the top 10 of them in habrarating we presented gifts. Under the cut - photos and videos from the author's meeting.

In the evening of August 9, we gathered in the cinema hall of the Mail.Ru Group office to recall the story of harabrablog and congratulate each other on this roundabout. Many of the 290 authors are no longer working in the company, but new ones have come and come to replace the departed, and some even managed to enter our own top-10 habrarating. The classic of the national school for repairing balconies Bumburum made an opening speech, shortly, about 40 minutes, with tears of nostalgia recalled the early years of our blog.

Some results for 10 years of blogging:
- The total number of views - 35.9 million (approximately the population of Canada. Well, or Honduras, Zimbabwe and Greece combined).
- The posts, whose names begin with “Invite”, most of all - 93. In the second place are posts, whose names begin with “How” - 68.
- The longest title of the post is 168 characters (Techno-book, part 3: literature on the design of highly loaded systems, on the security of web applications, on ensuring the quality of development and on mobile development)
- The shortest name is 7 characters (404 post).
- Amigo was buried - 1 time (and this is only the ninth fasting post).
- Mentions Amigo in the comments - have long ceased to be considered. And now it makes no sense.
- Zaminovovannyh posts - 34. And all from the very first account, RSS-bot.
- Posted posts at 00 hours 00 minutes - 8.
- Posts with the number of the devil in the title - 1.
- Replaced by the chief editors of the blog - 6.
- Posts published on January 1 or February 23 - 0. But once published on December 31 and March 8 (Lectures of Technopark, and not what you thought).

Then handed pleasant presents the top 10 of our authors with the greatest habrareytingom:
Maxim Popov AloneCoder
Yuri Vetrov jvetrau
Maria Akimtseva mary_arti
Yuliya Kovaleva apostteriori
Pavel Rybin drfisher
Valentin Dontcov Darkxiv
Konstantin Osipov kostja
Tatiana Bakharevsky tvt
Vadim Pusztay pushtaev
Dmitry Soshnikov shwars

Brainstorming on the photo we publicly smashed clubs. In Mexico, there is such childish fun: first, the doll is stuffed with all sorts of sweets, hung, and then one of the participants is blindfolded, and he must blindly break the doll with a stick. We adjusted the procedure a bit.

And finally, do not forget about our programmer captcha! Prizes are useful:

- Promotional codes for food delivery from the Delivery Club.
- Discount on training courses from GeekBrains.
- Free period of use Disc-O.