"Saint" Timlid and his followers

    Two weeks are left before  Saint TeamLead Conf , a conference about team pain. In this conference, we no longer just wanted to identify as many problems as possible, but wanted to reveal each topic from different points of view. We with the program committee, based also on the February TeamLead Conf, put together all the main activities of the team lead (we will not forget that so far everyone has different roles in this role). The resulting generalized, structured and used as building blocks for building a program: communication; measurement and evaluation; work with knowledge; team building and building processes; team motivation; and work on oneself, which includes the very same: "I became a team leader, and now what."

    The schedule turned out, it seems to me, verybalanced and balanced , there are several reports in each of the 10 areas, and the speeches within one section go one after another and the participant will not need to choose which communication report he is interested in. You just come on September 24, Monday, into the second room, sit comfortably, lay out a brochure and a notebook - and absorb the experience of others. During breaks, you ask questions and communicate with “colleagues in misfortune”. It will be convenient, and, we hope, will allow everyone to find advice for their tasks .

    Each topic is briefly under the cat to show you our thoughtful conference structure. But there are 32 reports, so overall it is long.

    TL; DR: Here is a link to the  schedule, you can poke only in separate reports - they all have a lot of live experience, practice and very specific recommendations.

    Monday, September 24th

    We must start with something cheerful, so let's start with the story Yuliya Kurapatsenkava about how the Spotify. Let's look at the  experience of a large foreign company from the inside and try to understand how it is applicable in our realities. By the way, the report will be in English - at the same time in the morning we will activate our brains.

    At the same time, in the second hall there will be a completely different report from  Ekaterina Evtukhova about the transition from the developer to team lead and further adventures. This will be interesting to those who are on the way to leadership or have just begun and discovered a wonderful new world of completely unexpected problems.

    After joining, we will divide the audience. One track for those who hold strict views and prefer to measure everything with specific numbers, including the effectiveness of employees and teams. The second is about those very communications.

    Measurement and Evaluation

    Max Boguslavsky generally likes to count something and has been keen on collecting metrics for a long time. Debate on the subject, whether the metrics are necessary , we will not, but rather will understand what it is, and what decisions can be taken on their basis. There will be many examples of non-obvious data, or even obvious ones, but which are forgotten all the time.

    Sergey Semenov from GitLean will show that you can automatically collect data about processes in a team, tell you how to implement it, and again, what to do with it later.

    After lunch, we focus on the  effectiveness of the team .

    Alexey Kataev will tellabout Skyeng’s experience with using dozens of team metrics. We will listen to which of them helped to identify bottlenecks, and which did not work.

    After that, Igor Lukanin will share the detailed results of the annual and large-scale study of SKB Kontur. This is not to say that the result is shocking - intuition does not work . Then we will deal with the struggle for efficiency “by instruments”, and not by intuition.


    Speakers will learn to communicate by example - they are all experienced and classy storytellers.

    Stas Mikhalsky (Biglion) will tell you that verbal agreements are great, but it's better to manage them. Personally, I’m going to listen, because the farther up, the more difficult this question is.

    Alexander Ziza (Aletheia Business) promises, after the report you will get a specific plan for the development of communication skills on the level of "novice" to "very cool" .

    They will surely take part in the  round table , which, under the leadership of Georgy Mogelashvili , will close the first day with a debate about " How to measure a programmer ."

    Eugenia Goleva from Tech.Lamoda will talk about communication for the purpose of sharing knowledge, or what her report is called: “Knowledge Sharing in and out.”

    After lunch, we will delve deeper into the issues of working with knowledge.


    Maxim Babich report on knowledge management through competency models. He has a whole startup on this subject, so he will have a lot of experience .

    The story from Iponweb will be presented by Svetlana Novikova and  Konstantin Kaftan  - about using the matrix of competency in order to establish management and exchange of knowledge.

    Vladimir Romanko from Kaspersky Lab will put forward an atypical position about the dangers of tagging competencies . If a person can and wants to solve a problem, it is necessary to give him such an opportunity, even if he has not reached the rank.

    This idea smoothly transfers us to the next report on motivation.

    Evgeny Peshkovwill tell you how to introduce, and motivate people of course on all the agile and turquoise principles that apply at Dodo Pizza. This is the last report in the track, it will be possible to torture the speaker with questions until he escapes to the afterparty.

    The reports will be very useful, but the importance of networking has not been canceled. There will be meetings, backstage discussions, discussions at the stands and, of course, an evening program. We will discuss everything that did not fit into the reports.

    September 25, Tuesday

    In the morning session of the second day there are two competing tracks: about building a team, and about finding and developing people. They would seem to be similar, but in fact they solve different problems. The first is the story of the growth of the team, about changes in processes and about people.

    Team building

    Eugene Fedoreev banki.ru about how the team of engineers experienced repeatedly changing technical directors, that has not prevented the emergence of new growth and full development teams.

    Dodo Pizza with their performances at other conferences, for example, it proved as the process-maniacs. Chief Agile Officer (whatever that means) Anton Bevzyuk at Saint TeamLead Conf will talk about feature teams.

    Search and development

    And in a parallel track about how to search and then develop fighters . The shortage of personnel is rolling in waves, and now, in my opinion, this topic is hot again. Andrey Timonich

    will start with a report on how Tinkoff.ru works with juniors and grow superheroes out of them - it will be interesting to stop being guided by rumors and learn about the inner kitchen.

    Next will be a report by Anatoly Panov from Avito. This is again the level above the team lead - it’s about his searches, both inside the team and outside. But it  will be useful to everyone , because it will help to look from the outside, why the long-awaited increase within the company does not always happen, but someone from the outside takes.

    Katerina GavrilovaManages the DigitalHR recruiting agency, which is engaged in the selection of technical positions. She has conducted hundreds of interviews and  will tell you how to maximally efficiently participate in hiring people to your team.

    It turned out to diversify : how to grow within the company, to recruit from outside, how to organize the selection and efficiently conduct it.

    Process alignment

    After lunch, we pounce on the burning and therefore the most extensive topic about processes. It contains both technological reports and more software ones.

    Sergey Kuks from JetBrains promises to tell how to release seven related products just in a quarter and not to kill each other. Using the example of a company whose products everyone uses to develop faster and better, let's see what is on the next level. We will get acquainted with  technical solutions to streamline business processes and establish communication between teams.

    Timur Pavlov will tellas in Positive Technologies they plan and organize fixes for production bugs along with the development of new functionality. A problem familiar to everyone whose products live long enough and need support. From the report we learn how to take into account the time to fix bugs and continue to move forward at the planned speed.

    In continuation of the topic, but with more admixture of non-technical features, a report by Alexander Afenov from Lamoda "Technical mortgage: what and to whom the team owes". Let’s talk about how to cope with all the piling up tasks and which approaches have worked well.

    Victor Fabrichenko from Iponweb promises to sharea unique story about two projects with similar problems: the conflict between business and development. In one of these projects, they managed to cope with the problem, and with just a few simple tricks. It will be interesting to use real examples of positive and negative experience , which companies usually prefer to hush up, compare strategies for overcoming the crisis.

    Meanwhile, Sergei Popov from League A. / HTML Academy increases the degree of difficulty. His report on what everyone is afraid of at all - juniors, and even on a distance . The League A company essentially lives on this, this helps them cope with the shortage of personnel and develop steadily.

    The program will be completed by Victor Nikishin from Tinkoff.rua story about how you can, without being an expert in this field, recruit a team, set and evaluate tasks for it and successfully develop the project.

    Self-development for development managers

    Eugene Kot opens this section with clever thoughts about what to do when you became a team leader. This is a story for those who wrote themselves calmly code, and then suddenly bam - and you have to do a bunch of everything else, often new. It will be about the fact that hardskills are good, but there are softskills without which nothing good will come of it.

    Alexei Shagraev from Yandex, in his report, plans to destroy the popular myth that management and engineering cannot be combined . It turns out that you can successfully develop managerial skills and continue to pump technical ones.

    Stanislav Belyayev tellhow to prepare for changes in the team and how to survive them while in the heat. What is important, we will analyze the implementations in organizations with both horizontal, structure and vertical.


    The working title of this small section was “The Future”, in fact, because we will talk about approaches, which may be the future.

    Maxim Tsepkov attends many conferences, knows a lot and actively shares his experience. At Saint TeamLead Conf, he will enlighten us on the topic of a turquoise organization . Everyone is interested in her, vividly discussing, but most often they understand poorly and have not seen any living examples. So we’ll try to understand what it feels like when the responsibility for decisions is on the performer.

    This also includes a report from a representative of Sberbank Technologies. We do not often see them at conferences, although they have implemented many interesting solutions. Therefore, the report of Yevgeny Rtishchev with the hype title “Motivation of the team through mining of game currency ”should be very exciting and at the same time very useful, as we will discuss issues that are really very complicated. Even just a call to think about them, is already drawn to value.

    And at the end of the second day, Alexander Polomodov from Tinkoff.ru will tell an amazing story of how a development department had to be made from a marketing department. The trick is that the customers of this team, like the marketing department, are an insane amount. Again, the growth of employees is an order of magnitude. All this with features and examples - it will be great.

    Master classes

    This is more than the traditional mitaps on HighLoad ++, where some narrow issues are just humanly discussed. Master classes at Saint TeamLead Conf are practical lessons.

    We specially invited Alexandra Baptizmanskaya , who will play with those who wish in the Agile-game " Collaborative origami ". During the game, participants will first-hand evaluate the effectiveness of various types of communication (personal meetings, video calls, mail, instant messengers, etc.) and draw valuable conclusions.

    And on the second day, in the continuation of the speech, Stas Mikhalsky will hold a practical workshop on creating agreements in the Scrum team. The workshop is practical, therefore we will develop a practical skill - how to create working arrangements within the Scrum framework within the team that will make Scrum really work.

    As well as traditional and varied coaching at the Aletheia Business booth.

    Here is a plan. I hope that it will be very cheerful and informative . In addition, the conference in St. Petersburg - culture, architecture and the Baltic (sea or beer - emphasize the necessary).

    I repeat, participation is also an opportunity to ask various cool specialists about what happens in other areas and companies. In addition, as the practice of the February conference showed, these are interesting for team leaders, developers, managers, CTOs, and all Relations. If in doubt - do not hesitate, book your tickets .

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