Online: 100 answers to questions, and other reports from KRI-2010

    A rather entertaining report from yesterday, the first day of KRI-2010, was posted today for download on the Playnatic website .

    The report was read by the gene. producer of the company is Ruslan Shelekhov. Today they posted a presentation, which, imho, may be of interest to those who are interested in online games or want to imagine some statistics of this market in Russia and the CIS.
    At least for myself, I got a couple of interesting numbers.

    You can download the PPT file here .

    In the order of deconstructive whining:
    It is a pity that most of the voiced at KRI remains inaccessible to those who were not there \ missed a specific report.
    Video materials have already become a byword, it remains to wait at least for presentations.

    The UPDATE .
    Denis Rysev posted some more interesting materials from KRI-2010.

    Video :
    Tom Krcha, Adobe - Future visions with Flash!
    Sean Clark, Big Fish Games - Making Money in Casual and Social Games
    Dmitry Devishev, - From offline to online: Tips for developers

    And reports by Denis (two from 2009, and one from the current CWI, all on :
    KRI 2009: The Future of Online Games
    ACGI 2009: Economic games as a tool to improve financial literacy: present, prospects and future of
    KRI 2010: Social games: viral marketing

    UPDATE 2.

    Here are a few more posts.
    A) The already mentioned D. Devishev ( rutracker )
    B) Alexander Mishulin ( Nival): “Looking in a crooked mirror of statistics. About how will interview candidates for game designers. ”( Rutracker , vimeo )
    B) Pavel Epishin (Nival Network):“ Looped pleasure. Why you need to share repetitive gameplay. "( Rutracker )
    D) Timur Bukharaev ( Nival):" The architecture of the Allods Online game server "( rutracker)

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