Oversan in the clouds

    Good day, Habrausers!

    We decided to renew the old tradition of blogging the company. And again they are ready to share their news and technical details.

    Today we would like to talk about our Cloud based on Microsoft Hyper-V technology . This solution is perfect for highly loaded web projects, as well as for hosting the internal IT infrastructure of your company. Due to the possibility of connecting antiDDoS hardware protection and F5 VIPRION balancing system together with Internet channels up to 1 Gb / s to one virtual server, any Internet project will feel relaxed. Corporate clients will appreciate the possibility of creating IPSEC \ VPN and individual communication channels using MPLS technology from the office to the Cloud. Cloud Reliability OverseasProvided with upscale HP Proliant equipment, professional storage solutions from NetApp and Cisco network equipment. The Cloud chip is that by default a 99.9% SLA is provided!

    The platform’s reliability and versatility is not inferior: thanks to the support of a large number of operating systems (both win and * nix) and the possibility of leasing Microsoft licenses for many products, it is suitable for projects of any level! So, in addition to Windows Server 2003 and 2008 (including version R2), the Cloud supports OSs such as Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, OpenSUSE and other Linux-based systems. Even the native Linux kernel is supported!

    In addition, the status of the project is emphasized by our official partnership with Microsoft, whose representatives provide comprehensive support for the project and are positive about its development. Do not forget that the Hyper-V platform is actively developing, and its next release will add a huge number of features and capabilities, which we will write about.

    And in order not to be unfounded, we intend to talk in more detail about Cloud Oversan in the future. And this article opens a series of interesting publications about the functions of the Cloud and the technical features of their implementation.
    For example, sometimes our clients are faced with a situation where, within the framework of one project, they use both physical servers and cloud power. In most cases, combining power data with a common internal network is problematic. We have developed a turnkey solution that allows us to solve such problems quickly and easily. Read about how to combine these capacities into a single infrastructure, about the difficulties of implementation with visual schemes in our next article!

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