Unobtrusive authorization

The purpose of this article is to talk about the experience of organizing the maximum simple and convenient from our point of view user authorization model on the site.

The essence of the model

When developing our project, we initially decided to organize a simple and loyal system for attracting users. The goal is obvious - to get the maximum number of people who will subsequently create the main core of our resource.

I don’t know if it’s only my personal phobia, but I’m convinced that the form of adding a comment or any other action with the inscription “ carefully, only registered users can be angry in the yard ...” is completely depriving the average visitor of the interest to do something- or useful on this site. That is why we initially designed our resource with forms open to all, in which only after sending data the authorization procedure begins.

The comment form is available to all visitors to the site.

And only after adding a comment, if we are dealing with an unauthorized user, a pop-up window appears:

Registration popup

Authorization on our site is possible either by e-mail or through accounts in FaceBook and Vkontakte. We suggested that this approach should suit everyone who wants to join us. The option of using a mobile phone number in small projects, from our point of view, smacks of paranoia, and for other services and social networks, realizing that FaceBook and Contact cover 90% of our audience, we decided to take it a little later.

Authorization using FaceBook and Contact takes place for the user in a few clicks. And in order to simplify the option of registering a new user using e-mail as much as possible, we left only the most necessary fields in the questionnaire. This is actually the e-mail itself, captcha and username. Thus, we hoped to make the process of registering new users on the site as simple as possible or even completely invisible.

In case of registration of a new user by e-mail, a notification will be sent to the specified box about the need to follow the link and specify the password for access to our service, with the help of which he will be authorized in the future. However, even if this does not happen, the user still remains authorized on the site.


Pop-up authorization is implemented using the FancyBox plugin , which displays any html content in beautiful pop-up windows. The choice in favor of this plugin among other similar tools was made because of its support for the ability to display data dynamically received from the server using ajax. Thus, we are able to verify the correctness of the data entered in the pop-up window without additional page reloading.

We add that in addition to the "pop-up" forms for registering and authenticating users, the site also has static pages with similar forms that you can always link to in a letter or on another resource, inviting the user to join or log in.

First results

Today, a few months after the commissioning of the authorization system described above, we have the first hundred comrades who have joined us and can already draw some conclusions about the effectiveness of the conceived model. To enable such an analysis, we kept a log of all comments added on the site, including those that did not end with successful user authorization and all registration attempts. As a result, we received the following data.

From 95 attempts to post a comment:

29 comments did not end with successful user authorization. In all 100% of cases, we are dealing with a voluntary refusal of authorization by the user himself, and also, most valuable, we have a very low quality of the comments themselves, if the phrase “best”, “I agree”, “DYUSSH-15 with you” can be called such and other asdf and yuty.

66 comments resulted in a successful authorization of the user, while only in 2 cases the comments were deleted by the moderator due to their lack of information.

Another 34 users joined us without comment, just click on the "join" link.

Out of 100 registered users:

60 people logged in using e-mail
22 using Vkontakte
18 via FaceBook


Despite a small sample (100 users), the conclusion suggests that the implemented system is sufficiently efficient. Firstly, in an open form for comments, we did not discourage any potential user from expressing their point of view. Secondly, they did not receive a single case of loss of more or less meaningful comments due to the refusal of the visitor to subsequent registration. Thirdly, we received a system of automatic filtering of not informative and not meaningful comments.

Future plans

At the moment, the user interface of the site is limited only by the possibility of commenting, but we are already developing a system for evaluating our users' players and their individual characteristics, the ability to choose their starting line-up, “team tour” and other interactivity. We are going to make all this toolkit similar to the approach described above with comments “open to all” with subsequent pop-up authorization. Also the other day we’ll add the possibility of authorization using other popular social networks and services. Thus, we hope to become, from the point of view of our visitor, both a more desirable and accessible project for registration.

PS We are pleased to hear constructive criticism and any comments.

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