Mapping SSI when using proxies on nginx and dividing the cache by language

Configured caching on a bunch of nginx + apache on a server running Ubuntu. I would like to share with some of the nuances with which I encountered in the process of work. And there is the problem of displaying ssi instructions for nginx and sharing the cache based on language cookies.

Problems displaying SSI when using proxies on nginx

I decided to use ssi to display dynamic blocks. On the local machine, everything worked fine, but after the upload to the ssi server, the blocks were not processed.
As a proxy web server, Apache is used. After a series of experiments, I found that when using fastcgi, ssi blocks were processed perfectly. That is, the problem is in the apache proxy server.
I began to analyze the Apache headers on the local machine and on the server:
$curl -I http://apache_host:port

Noticed an interesting title.
Vary: Accept-Encoding

Found a description here . That is, I can send headers to set compression:
$curl -I -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate' http://apache_host:port
Content-Encoding: gzip

That is, the proxy server gave the content in a compressed form and nginx could not parse ssi instructions.
For compression on Apache, mod_deflate is responsible. All this can be treated by disabling this module:
$a2dismod deflate
Module deflate disabled.
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration!
$/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Setting language cache separation

On the site that I set up, the language is set using cookies, that is, there are no unique URLs (this is already for SEO :)).
To split the cache for different languages, I used the key:
proxy_cache_key "$request_method|$http_if_modified_since|$http_if_none_match|$host|$request_uri|$lang"; 

Pay attention to the last parameter $ lang. To install it, I used ngx_http_map_module:
map $http_accept_language $browser_lang {
    default en;
    ~ru ru;
    ~da da;
    ~de de;
map $cookie_name_of_language_cookie $lang {
    default $browser_lang;
    ~en en;
    ~de de;
    ~ru ru;
    ~da da;
server {

The first directive determines the language of the browser and then is used in the second by default in the absence of a language cookie. Note that mod needs to be added to the http context, in my case it was before the server.
Now you guarantee that the user will not receive a page from the cache in a language unknown to him.

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