Diaspora project close to launch


    On Habré, only a couple of times they mentioned such a project as Diaspora (it opens on September 15th), which many media since the appearance of information about the project began to call “Anti-Facebook”. This social project has earned such a name due to its original structure and working principle. The fact is that the developers thought out such a scheme of their social network that allows each of the users to personally control where and what personal information goes. In other words, Anti-Facebook allows you to control personal information without worrying that something will fall into the eyes of mom and grandmother drinking a furious mixture of vodka with beer to an undesirable “third party”.

    It is also worth noting that this project is positioning itself as open-source, and the source code will be available to everyone. Thus, third-party developers will be able to use Diaspora in their own projects, without waiting for months and years for developers to open the API of their own system. It is expected that this system will be used by various social services and projects.

    By the way, as already written in May, Mark Zuckerberg himself, the head and creator of Facebook, has provided financial assistance to developers. According to rumors, the latter were able to collect about 200 thousand dollars, and ten thousand of the two hundred were provided by Zuckerberg. Among other things, Zuckerberg as a whole speaks positively of Diaspora, not intending to somehow put the wheels in the wheel of the developing project (at least explicitly).

    But Diaspora, according to its creators, appeared in opposition to Facebook itself with its inadequate security system, which has repeatedly been criticized by both network security experts and ordinary users. Facebook has tried more than once or twice to change the current state of things by redoing the scheme of work of the private data distribution system.

    The creators of Diaspora are several students from New York University, previously active users of Facebook. Well, if we recall that Zuckerberg himself created his social network as a student, then the success of the new social network is quite possible. Of course, it is not yet possible to assume that Diaspora will become any major project at first, but there are many users on the Web who are worried that the boss does not see the latest pictures of the “sick” employee about the safety of personal data. They, these users, will make up the core of the project.

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