Google will spend millions of dollars to improve the quality of YouTube content

The other day, representatives of the YouTube service announced their desire to improve the quality of video content by creating new channels. These channels, by design, will be led by the most famous representatives of Hollywood and other celebrities - in general, something like the official representation of the
The management of the service believes that the most attractive for the viewer will be short shows (no longer than 3 minutes), in which all these famous people will talk about their profession or do their usual business. For example, Bear Grylls (yeah, he
According to a source close to the leadership, “the general idea is to create a wide range of high-quality video content, as a result of which both viewers, advertisers, and invited participants will be satisfied.” In general, the idea is really interesting, especially since the amount of compensation for invited celebrities is not small - everyone should try their best.
In total, it is planned to invite about 20 famous people, and about $ 100 million will be spent on this entire campaign, which, you see, is a considerable amount even for Google. As conceived by the service’s leadership, this step should not only attract more viewers, but also initiate the creation of high-quality content by members of the YouTube community. Indeed, so far the bulk of all the videos uploaded to the service are not very high-quality videos
Via nymag.com