Continuing education courses for teachers of technical schools of the Nizhny Novgorod region

    All last week, representatives of the Nizhny Novgorod Group of Linux Users, at the invitation of the administration of the Nizhny Novgorod RadioTechnical College, held classes at continuing education courses for teachers of computer science in technical schools of the Nizhny Novgorod region .

    For three days we managed to tell and conduct a practice on:

    • Overview of software for organizing the educational process. Slugin V.G.
    • Mobile interactive whiteboard. Azovtsev Yu.G.
    • Free software package. Bessonov S.G.
    • Graphic GIMP packages. Basics of working with raster graphics. Azovtsev Yu.G.
    • Open Office - text editor, spreadsheets, presentation development environment, vector editor. Bessonov S.G. Azovtsev Yu.G.
    • Distance education. Overview of distance learning systems wiki and moodle. Slugin V.G.
    • Testing system Slugin V.G.

    Details and photos from the courses can be found here:
    Day 1 , Day 2 , Day 3

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