Cultural differences. Communication with American colleagues

    I work in the Israeli branch of a large American company. You have to work a lot with Indians and Americans, there are even groups in which some people are in another country.
    Therefore, once a year we conduct seminars on cultural differences. How to communicate with colleagues from other countries.

    My first story is about the Americans.

    In general, they are shocked by us (Israelis). The seminar showed an interview with an American who worked for six months in the Israeli office of an American company. At first, it seemed to her that everyone was aggressive and rude. Then I realized that this is such a way of communication - people raise their voices and interrupt each other during discussions, people can tell a colleague (and even the boss!) That he is wrong, etc.

    With great shame, he recalled how I repeated “I disagree!” On the last Face2face.

    The Americans complained about the Israelis in the same way that they constantly improvise, and the Israelis complained about the Americans that they constantly stupidly follow the instructions.

    By the way, to say how we have “That cleaning lady ... what? Well, an Ethiopian ... "or" In the next department there is such a smart man, such a low Indian "- also impossible.
    It is necessary to explain who it is about, without using nationality, religion and sexual preferences.

    So, the rules for communicating with Americans:
    1) Avoid harsh denying expressions: “I disagree”, “You absolutely wrong” (this expression was perceived by the American as an insult), “No, you don't ...”, “It is bad idea ”, etc. Replace with "I will be agreeing with you, if ..."
    2) Avoid “demanding” expressions: “You have must”, “You must”, “You need”, etc. Replace them with softer ones: “You should”, “You can ...”, “It is advisable if you follow the following recommendations ...”, “I recommend you”.
    3) If the meeting is personal, then we smile, the expression on the face is friendly.
    4) Even if we do not agree, we agree. “I completely agree, but I would change a little ...” - and say how you want to solve the problem, even if it is the exact opposite.
    5) If you really want to express negation, it is better to add “may be”, “possibly” and add a smile on 32 teeth.
    6) (for those who correspond with Americans) Americans really like chewed cookie. Dear comrades, do not be lazy and write a cookie for alternatively gifted ones.
    7) Instead of “problem” we write “issue”. Well and so on. Soften, soften !!!
    8) “Have a nice work!”, “Have a nice day!” - this is not a mockery! Write all the time, even if you write to a person that he has deleted all the backups of the company in 10 years.
    9) “Good discussion!” Usually this means that the opponent just carried such nonsense that it could not even occur to the speaker that he was so stupid.

    Just do not make a conclusion in the style of "What stupid these Americans are." It is very important to understand that this is not a matter of the mind, but of cultural differences.
    It is also important to remember that these are all generalizations. I had to meet Americans with closer to me, “normal” views on working communication.

    The next story will be about Indians ...

    Upd .: Thanks Santiago26 for the fixed errors

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