Virtualrilka - the current state of affairs

    We were silent for a long time after the last publication about pre-order, since we did not want to write any insignificant news. Now here is the news that I think many have been waiting for.



    We finalized the design documentation for the circulation version of Virtualrilki

    The circuit diagram of the device was partially redone, Wi-Fi was transferred from the main board to an additional module, which will allow the future to use various communication chipsets, previously unused pins for special devices (for example, to connect an LCD) were added and much more.

    They also refused to use the HDG104 chip in the standard Wi-Fi module, and replaced it with a more pleasant Marvell 88W8686.

    It was possible to finally determine the procurement, production and delivery chain

    We will produce in China / Hong Kong. For help in organizing the production, a special thank you to the habrayuzer jhe .

    The first part of the circulation of 100 copies was launched

    We expect the completion of production and full testing of samples by us by the end of May-beginning of June. If everything goes well, we launch the main circulation. According to the optimistic scenario, the first Virtualrilki will get to the happy owners in June.

    Thanks to the Chinese comrades for the photo (hanging at the beginning of the topic), these are prints from the very first hundred. Black and gold, pretty. Soon they should solder the kit, then they still promise to send pictures. While we ourselves can’t feel alive we can’t even admire the pictures.

    How will the sale be carried out?


    Pre-orders will be sold through our Micro Racing store. At the moment, the store does not trade (such machines are no longer manufactured), a little later we will place the Virtrilka and its accessories there.


    All people who left pre-orders will be registered in the micro-racing store as users with special status and will receive a corresponding letter inviting them to place an order. At the moment, registration of new users in our store is disabled. Previously registered customers can go to the site, but if they did not leave a pre-order, they will not have the right to buy Virtrilka from the first run.

    We want to separately mention that after the first article on the hub , even before collecting pre-orders , we received many letters "where to buy?" And "how to order?" To everyone who wrote after the first article, invites to order will be sent first of all.


    User registration and the possibility of making a purchase will appear immediately after the testing of the first batch is successfully completed and the main circulation is launched. We look forward to the month of June.

    Where will the delivery be?

    At the first stage, delivery will be carried out in Russia and the CIS countries. The issue of delivery to other countries is under development.

    As usual, ask questions in the comments. Who does not have an account on Habré but would like to ask a question - write comments to me in the blog .

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