PHDays III Forum Call for Papers Phase 2 Launches

    Two and a half months remain until the Positive Hack Days forum on information security, which will be held May 23 and 24 at the Moscow World Trade Center . This year, 2000 information security experts from around the world will participate in the forum. If you want to share the results of your research, if you have something to tell the community about, then we are waiting for you at PHDays as a speaker.

    You can apply for participation in the PHDays III program before the end of the second stage of Call for Papers , which will end on April 14, 2013. After the first stage of Call For Papers, the first participants who will speak at the forum have become known.


    Special guests of the event will be Travis Goodspeed (Travis Goodspeed) from the United States, as well as company's founders ReVuln Donato Ferrante (Donato Ferrante) and Luigi Auremma (Luigi Auriemma), famous for its high-profile research in the field of security SCADA-systems and TVs with Smart TV function.

    Gentlemen Anonymous and Bnonymous will demonstrate how the Internet works aboard electronics-stuffed airplanes and will attack a mysterious drawer with a screen located in the back of each passenger seat.

    Emirates Airline’s IT Security and Risk Management Specialist, Mushtaq Ahmed, will look at security issues from the inside of a large company and highlight various aspects of application security, as well as errors in building business processes that could adversely affect the efficiency of the business itself.

    The leader of the China Eagle Union, Tao Wan , nicknamed Eagle - Eagle, will talk about hackers from the Middle Kingdom and who are Chinese hackers, what are they trying to and what happened to them over the past ten years?

    Hacker services today are actively sold and bought. Trend Micro Senior Virus Analyst Max Goncharovwill consider the principles of secret information exchange, ways to protect cash, goods or services when conducting secret transactions, as well as the fundamentals of the hierarchy in cyberspace. In addition, listeners will find a story about encryption services, DDoS attacks, reselling traffic, servers with a high level of fault tolerance, SMS fraud, spam services and credit card theft.

    The recent compromise by The New York Times and a number of other financially-oriented online crimes will be the main topic of the speech of Vladimir Kropotov, Vitaly Chetvertakov and Fedor Yarochkin. In the report, “Catching the Elusive: Investigating Intruders in Corporate Networks,” they will present a detailed analysis of outbreaks of activity in information networks owned by large organizations.

    Jeff Katz will talk about the latest discoveries of the OpenBeacon project , as well as demonstrate a system that tracks the location of objects in real time. The authors of the study have already applied it at several conferences and obtained interesting results.

    The founder of FixedBug company Alexey Demenyuk, specialist of Berlin Technical University and Deutsche Telekom company Dmitry Nedospasov , Keykeriki developer Torsten Schroeder and many others will also speak at the forum .

    Among the other topics PHDays III announced: ways to overcome DLP systems, new NFC threats, servers with a high level of fault tolerance, cloud-based reputation systems, as well as the current state of research and development in the field of SIEM systems, the operation of user interfaces for fun and benefits, programmable logic and bank spies for smartphones.

    Master classes

    A separate place in the PHDays III program will take many hours of in-depth master classes.

    In the hands-on lab of Miroslav Shtampar “Sqlmap - Under the hood”, the forum participants will be presented with an in-depth analysis of the capabilities and internal mechanisms of sqlmap.

    How to develop a secure web application without losing your mind? The answer to this question will be given by Vladimir Kochetkov , an expert at the research center of Positive Technologies. The master class is dedicated to ensuring the security of web applications at the stages of design, development, testing and implementation.

    In turn, Alexander Sverdlov will conduct a master class on investigating network incidents and incidents using memory data. Alexander will tell, among other things, about the practical aspects of the investigation using disk images using the free version of OSForensics.

    You still have the opportunity to join eminent experts and make a presentation at Positive Hack Days. Read about the procedure for applying for a speech at: .

    We are waiting for you at PHDays III. See you!

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