New LiveInternet Counter Feature

    Today I go to liveinternet to look at the statistics of projects and see a new function in the menu: “share search traffic”.

    What LI says :

    This report is based on an analysis of conversions from search engines. It shows what proportion of search traffic for each of the requests falls on this site.


    The 1st column lists the most popular search queries for which users went to the site from search engines.

    The 2nd column indicates the number of visits to the site for the selected period of time for each of the requests.

    In the 3rd column opposite each request indicates what proportion of clicks from search engines for this request came to your site.

    The 4th column indicates what place your site takes in terms of the 3rd column. In particular, if the number 4 is opposite the query in the 4th column, this means that during the selected period of time, your site has had the most clicks on this query than any other site registered in the LiveInternet analytic service.

    I think that this type of report will appeal to experts in the field of Internet marketing :)

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