The book "Head First Agile. Flexible project management »

    imageHello! It's time to switch to flexible development. Finally, a modern, consistent approach has been found to solve the problems with which whole generations of development teams have fought. Flexible teams use simple understandable practices, whose effectiveness in real projects has been repeatedly confirmed. But, wait a minute ... If the flexible methodologies are so good, why haven't they all been passed to them yet? In the real world, practicing well in one team creates serious problems in another; the differences are due to the thinking of the teams and their approach to business. To understand this, you will have to plunge into flexible development and change your attitude towards projects!







    About the authors

    Andrew Stillman- Developer, designer, lecturer, teacher, trainer in the field of agile development, project manager and expert to create better products. He participated in writing several popular books in the field of project development and management, made presentations at international seminars, is a recognized expert in organizational transformations that increase the efficiency of companies, teams and code. Andrew designed and built a number of large-scale software systems, managed large international development teams, advised companies, educational institutions and corporations, including Microsoft, the National Bureau of Economic Research, Bank of America, Notre Dame and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. During this time, Andrew had the honor of working with many great programmers, and he wants to believe

    Jennifer Green is an expert in the field of flexible development on a corporate scale, a teacher, a development manager, a project manager, a lecturer and an authority on practices and principles of software development. Engaged in software development for over 20 years, has worked in many areas, including the media, finance and IT consulting.

    She led large-scale agile development projects, helped development teams around the world and individual participants get the most out of agile development. In the future, she hopes to continue working with talented teams solving interesting and challenging tasks.

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