CryptoPad - a confidential information storage service
Service for confidential storage of information, first of all, is evaluated according to two most important parameters: reliability and security. Reliability guarantees that you can access your data without failures, security - that only you can get this access. If reliability is more or less clear and the issue is solved mainly by technical methods, then security ultimately comes down to trusting a particular service and its developers.
Proposed solution
To safely store data, they need to be encrypted. And in order to safely store data on a foreign server, they need to be encrypted before sending, right on the client. I developed a web service that implements this idea. It allows you to register your personal notebook and store text data in it, without worrying about trust in the service.

Welcome: СryptoPad.org - confidential information storage service
- Access to data from anywhere in the world where there is Internet requires only a browser.
- Neither your password nor open data leaves your computer.
- Personal third-level domain your-login.cryptopad.org, support for national alphabets.
- Simple and quick registration, enter login, password and can use.
- Simple interface, fast loading, small traffic.
Project Current Status
The service is in a state of public beta testing. I will make every effort to prevent the loss of your data, so you can use the service to its full potential, however, it is possible that during testing errors will be detected that will suspend its operation (mainly this concerns the interface, the data will most likely not be damaged in any case). Your comments and suggestions are very important for the release of the service and its development, so do not hesitate to write either in the comments of this (and possibly subsequent) note, or through the feedback form on the service itself.
Brief Specifications
- the size of the stored data is 64 kilobytes, which is about 16 pages of text in Russian;
- security - data encryption on the client, using JavaScript, AES algorithm with a 256-bit key length;
- reliability - daily backup of all data to another server.
UPD: added brief specifications