The second issue of the journal TsODy.RF

    According to various estimates, the volume of electricity consumed by data centers is enormous: 1.5–2% of the total share of all electricity generated in the world. Many experts agree that, despite the measures taken to improve the energy efficiency of the data center infrastructure, this figure will grow steadily in the coming years.

    In modern data centers, at least 50% of operating costs are generated by electricity. Therefore, the choice of technology, commissioning and operation of power supply equipment are some of the most acute and important topics that we would like to talk about on the pages of the second issue of the journal “Data Center.RF”.

    In Russia, they increasingly prefer dynamic uninterruptible power supplies: the volume of supplies to our country of DFSA, which are not subject to duties, is steadily growing. This year, the power of the DIBP machine installed in the Russian data center exceeded 2000 MVA. The main topic of the issue is a detailed answer to the question of what attracts this technology of engineers.

    As long as debates in Russia do not fade away which of the power supply circuits is the most fault-tolerant and energy efficient - using traditional or dynamic UPSs, the topic of fuel cells is actively being promoted in the West, which are designed to replace not only UPS with batteries, but also diesel generator sets. Read about the prospects and key players in the fuel and energy market in the Trends section.  

    The face of the issue was Sergey Lysakov, who, without exaggeration, can be called one of the locomotives of the Russian data center construction. You can familiarize yourself with his approach to the creation and development of modern modular data centers, educational initiatives, and views on the Russian market through the prism of the Western one in an interview published in the journal.    

    For those who are just going to build their own data center, practical notes about the nuances in the interaction of the customer and the contractor at the stages of design and construction of the data center, all the subtleties and pitfalls when choosing a site for the construction of the data center, which employees of many companies already face, are not uninteresting. after the site is determined and work is in full swing. 

    Design engineers we offer a discussion of the next concept of the data center. And the basic rules and practical aspects of decisions when designing a data center for many will become an invaluable tool in their work.

    In the second issue of the journal, the main headings will be presented by the permanent employees of one of the most modern and innovative data centers in Russia Vasilich, Semyon and Igor - please love and favor.

    And many more interesting and, no doubt, useful things are waiting for you on the pages of the spring issue of the journal “TsODy.RF”. I wish you a pleasant reading!

    You can familiarize yourself with the contents of the second issue and apply for a free subscription on the TsODy.RF website or

    Illustrations for the journal sections are prepared by E. Tsodikov

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