Dodo: IT company that makes pizza. Programming and IT-processes / ITHIP

    In the first release of AytiHayp video blog, we visited Dodo Pizza, where we discussed the integration of IT and business, extreme programming, Agile, remote work, the architecture of their systems and hiring features. You can go under the cut and read quotes from interviews and a bit of history, or you can go directly to the video.

    Why Dodo Pizza?

    Egor's story

    For the first time I paid attention to Dodo after the story of a friend who was at their interview. It became interesting, and I began to collect facts from various sources. I must say that the picture turned out quite contradictory. For example, the story got to focus on the fact that at the entrance a developer must work a month in a pizzeria, and in Syktyvkar and within two months. It would seem that here the probationary period has passed, and you still did not even sit at the keyboard. The main issue was just this story and others like it.

    Stas Story

    You know, when Egor first told me about Dodo and about the fact that they have interesting things, I immediately caught fire. There was some kind of inexhaustible fountain of ideas and approaches that seemed offhand and something that I wanted to ask about. For me personally, the process of communicating with the guys turned out to be extremely inspiring, and I went to try some practices in my team the very next day. I hope that we managed not only to uncover Dodo from cool engineering practices, but also to convey all the atmosphere of love for their work and the openness that is present in literally everything!

    And below - quotes from an interview with Alexander Andronov, CTO Dodo Pizza. But some quotes are few - in order to feel the atmosphere, it’s better to go into the video itself !

    Quotes from an interview with Alexander Andronov

    Why Dodo is an IT company

    Technology and IT solutions are in the first place in how we manage the pizzeria and approach management. We bet on creating your system helps to manage every business process and pizza preparation stage.
    As an example, a quality control system. Previously, it worked like this - secret buyers place an order at a pizzeria and rate it according to various factors. One of the criteria is how carefully the pizza is made, how round it is, how the ingredients are located. We made a pilot project that allows you to analyze the quality of pizza using machine learning. Without IT orientation, no one would have thought about such solutions.

    Pro experiment with open salaries

    I told people in advance who and how much the salary would potentially rise. I told about my limitations in percentages and with numbers. Some I explained why their increase will be less than that of another person. It went fine, as openness decides. All discontent - due to omissions. As soon as you begin to keep back, there is discontent. When you speak openly, it is absolutely normal.

    About remote work

    A team assembled in one place is a priori better distributed. People themselves from this comfortable. But we first go from the people. We are very likely to take a very tough and disciplined developer who wants to work on the remote.
    With the growth of the company, we will come to the conclusion that our work will go 24/5 or 24/7. This also applies to development. There is a strategy “Follow-the-sun” - when in one place people leave work, in the other at this time they are already leaving. In this case, any problem can be solved very quickly. When each team can climb into any part of the system, no matter what happens, they can always fix it.

    About pair programming

    We do not use pair programming 100% of the time because it is physically very difficult. But this is a regularly used practice as needed.
    When you have a really difficult task, and you need a constant review, you sit down with someone in a couple and work. In the process of communication, when you design a technical solution together, the best ideas come.
    There are cases when you use pair programming to pump people in some area. For example, there is a person who fumbles in React, and the other is not very. After a week of working in pairs, their level will level off.

    Lessons from major falls

    These stories reminded us of why we should not compromise quality. We understand that we are still about the business, we have many tasks and processes that need to be built into Dodo IS. But at the same time, we should never sacrifice quality. This is the main thought that exists on absolutely all fronts - both in the understanding of each person in the design, in the understanding of business, and in the understanding of all commands that are not even connected with IT.


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