It's amazing - there are so many fans of Firefox and Last.fm, but no one has written about the Fire.fm extension =) A wonderful thing that creates a toolbar that allows you to control the playback of tracks from Last.fm.
Take it here - addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/7684 (sandbox, you need to login in order to install)
For some reason, only version 0.7 works for me - all later versions do not play tracks, I’m texting now on this topic with the developers. Whoever has the same problem as mine, get version 0.7 from here - addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addons/versions/7684 , and in the comments write what your system stands for - I'll send it all later information to developers =)
Take it here - addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/7684 (sandbox, you need to login in order to install)
For some reason, only version 0.7 works for me - all later versions do not play tracks, I’m texting now on this topic with the developers. Whoever has the same problem as mine, get version 0.7 from here - addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addons/versions/7684 , and in the comments write what your system stands for - I'll send it all later information to developers =)