The digest of interesting news and materials from the world of IT for the last week No. 45 (February 16 - 21, 2013)

    We bring to your attention the next selection with links to news, interesting materials and useful resources.

    Hot seven

    PlayStation Meeting 2013

    Sony introduced PlayStation 4 , Several reports on the PlayStation Meeting 2013 here and here , in this article in brief about the new gamepad, camera and exclusives, here is the same in the form of infographics , also a photo gallery from the Ribbon , and how it really was . Plus, short news from competitors: Kinect 2.0 specification leaked to the network

    HTC One

    HTC has introduced a new mobile flagship. We offer you to get acquainted with the impressions from London from Nomobile and the Preview from mobile-review . Video presentation , Testing HTC One in popular benchmarks , Meet the new UltraPixel technology , HTC introduced the SDK for infrared

    Google News

    Demonstration of the Project Glass interface and distribution of prototypes , as well as the video “How It Feels” + the official website of the Google Glass project. Also, Google introduced the Chromebook Pixel premium laptop for $ 1299. A little text on why they did it . In addition, the company spoke about some plans for the development of its search , and also plans to build a network of its own stores

    Ubuntu tablet

    Canonical introduced the Ubuntu tablet option , the official page , Overview of the expected features of the Ubuntu tablet . Smartphones running Ubuntu will appear in 2014


    Rumor has it that Samsung will leave Android this year on Tizen, a new version of the Tizen mobile OS has been announced: Tizen 2.0 , the release of the Tizen 2.0 mobile platform with support for launching native programs , Tizen 2.0 screenshots have appeared on the network

    Meet new browsers

    Chrome 25 came out with support for the Web Speech API , which allows you to integrate speech recognition functions into web applications. Also, Firefox 19 was released , which added a built-in function to view PDF files . Plus, Firefox Developer Roundup

    Cross-browser customization of the system scrollbar

    I think that all typesetters were faced with the task of customizing the system scrollbar on the pages of the site. The developers of 2GIS in their article examined in detail the mechanisms of the scroll, js-alternatives and proposed their own solution to the problem with a detailed description of the process. In addition, this article was indirectly mentioned on;)








    Sites with interesting design and functionality

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    Digest last week
    Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin

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