Repository of turnkey solutions MODx Evo

    Hi, I represent the studio " Sofa . Design ." For over five years now, we have been developing websites on MODx Evo. It so happened that we always tried to solve problems in a general way and we have accumulated a lot of different ready-made software products (all kinds of snippets, plug-ins, modules, you know). Almost all this time we stored all these things locally and did not upload them anywhere (for various reasons, omit them ;-). Then we somehow finalized and posted a couple of products from the official assembly (ManagerManager, for example), and we liked it. We just didn’t like the official MODx repository , some of it was “not very” ... We sat down, thought about it and revealed a few points that we would like to see in the repository:

    • Product navigation using tags (perhaps the most convenient thing you can think of).
    • The output of all products with different sorting: by date of update, name and number of downloads.
    • Displays the product name, date, a brief description and the number of downloads in the list of all products.
    • Each product should be broken down into versions; each version should have:
      • Type (plugin, module, snippet, etc), name, version, date, tags.
      • A list of all the libraries and other products that are used, if possible with links and comments, should I connect additionally, or is everything already in the archive.
      • Description, simple human verbal description.
      • Screenshots (if there is something to show).
      • Documentation: installation, configuration, description of the parameters. Each parameter should have: name, description, possible values, default value and whether it is required.
      • Examples of using.
      • Layered woody comments. This is very important, people should have the opportunity here to ask a question, answer the questions of others, report a bug, offer a solution, and just see what has already been discussed.
      • List of changes (changelog) compared to the previous version.

    • You also need a separate page with a complete list of changes for all versions. It is simply necessary when you need to update something from the version, say 0.x to 1.x (it’s very convenient to immediately see where something has changed along the way and what problems may arise).
    • Simple, not annoying, beautiful, minimalistic design, no unnecessary prettiness, but not without necessary, so that it is convenient to use everyday.
    • The ability to contact developers (feedback form, for example).
    • Multilingualism. Not everyone knows English well, and in their native language it is simply more convenient at times to read.
    • RSS with all products and versions.

    As a result, we simply took and made our repository, trying to take into account and realize all the above points, and filled it with our products. So far, not everything has been laid out, but the most delicious, in our opinion. Oh yes, =)

    I won’t write about all the products here, very much, and everything is in the description repository. I would especially like to note the new version of ManagerManager (now 0.4, it's time to get closer to 1.0 ;-), timed to the opening of the repository itself and the ddMMEditor module to it.

    Well, use your health, write suggestions, ideas, questions in comments and all that. Also read our twitter , we sometimes write there and always answer)

    Have a nice day, good and positive!

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