The digest of events for HR professionals in the field of IT for August 2018


    So we slowly entered the finish line of the summer! August is the time to relax and slowly prepare for an active fall. Although there are fewer events in August than usual, My Circle gathered the most interesting events for everyone who has not yet gone on vacation or has already managed to return.

    Stay tuned for post updates, announcements of events for the second half of the month will be added later.

    Personnel search in social networks (seminar)

    When: August 4, 10:00
    Where: Moscow, st. 8 Narodnaya, 8
    Participation conditions: 3,500 rubles for one participant, 6,300 for two
    Organizer: HR Digital School The

    seminar will be useful to everyone who begins their journey in the field of personnel search: both for beginners and experienced recruiters and hr who previously did not work deeply with personnel search in social networks.

    Topics for discussion:

    1. How to analyze the profile of a potential candidate
    2. How to establish contact with him
    3. How to write a letter that won't push away
    4. An algorithm for writing vacancies for social networks + Writing the first vacancy according to a new algorithm in order to use it in placement.

    Details and registration

    Assessment of a candidate by competency (training)

    When: August 7, 10:00
    Where: Moscow, st. Dubininskaya, d.27
    Terms of participation: 5,000 rubles
    Organizer: “Valuable experience”

    Practical training on assessing candidates using the competency model will allow you not to waste time analyzing secondary qualities, but focus on the main thing when hiring new employees to the company.

    Training program:

    • Formalized and informalized model of company competencies.
    • Factors that are important in selecting candidates.
    • Critical and desirable competencies.
    • Using the competency model in job advertisements.
    • Methods for assessing the competencies of the candidate.
    • Gathering information about the candidate - questionnaires, interviews, tests, simulation of a real situation, assessment centers.
    • Making decisions based on the results of the assessment of candidates.
    • Feedback to the candidate on the basis of competency assessment.
    • Analysis of practical cases.

    Details and registration

    AI, DS, ML and other abbreviations (a series of webinars August 15/18/20)

    When: August 15, 19:00
    Where: online
    Conditions of participation: 3,000 rubles (a single ticket for the entire series of webinars)
    Organizer: IT Recruiter School

    Topics for discussion:
    • What is Data Science and Machine Learning, where did they come from and in what areas are they used?
    • What tasks do DS and ML specialists solve, their stack and skills?
    • Where to get a specialist from? Education, courses and competitions - what to look for?
    • Where to look for them and what to ask?

    Speaker - Mikhail Korneev, CTO

    Details and registration

    Index Meetup “GameDev with Sergey Volkov:“ it's complicated ””

    When: August 16, 19:00
    Where: Moscow, st. Butyrskaya, d. 46
    Terms of participation: free of charge
    Organizer: INDEX

    Sergey Volkov, HR-director of the 1C gaming direction, will talk about GameDev and answer all questions of the rally participants.

    Topics for discussion:

    • Game development process
    • Development is over, and then what?
    • Professions and Specializations at GameDev
    • Languages, technologies, and other buzzwords in Gamedev

    Details and registration

    TechRec Family meeting in St. Petersburg

    When: August 17, 19:00
    Where: St. Petersburg. Ligovsky pr., 74
    Terms of participation: 300 rubles
    Organizer: IT Recruiter School

    Topics and speakers:
    1. We translate intuition-based choices into human language and the conscious choice of the candidate - Anna Afonina, Owner of HiPoHeads recruiting agency
    2. IT recruitment without a budget - Olga Poldner, HR manager of ITS
    3. How to test soft skills together with team leader candidate - Developer from Megafon.TV

    Details and registration

    HR Management in IT (HR) (online course)

    When: August 18, Tuesday and Thursday 18:30, duration 6 weeks
    Where: online
    Terms of participation: 11 000 rubles
    Organizer: SPALAH

    The course is designed for students who want to become HR managers with a professional orientation on IT business.

    The objective of the course is to give a comprehensive picture of how the HR function helps IT companies solve their business problems.

    The teacher of the course is Anna Metelskaya, HR consultant, organizational coach.

    Details and registration

    Hiring Features in AI and Data Science (Webinar)

    When: August 18, time will be specified.
    Where: online.
    Participation conditions: free.
    Organizer: IT Recruiter School.

    Speaker - Anna Perova, Senior Talent Acquisition specialist at Samsung. The program is being specified.

    Details and registration

    Cargo Cult: Marketing Strikes Back (Seminar)

    When: August 20, 2:00 p.m.
    Where: Moscow, Kutuzovsky Prospect, 32
    Conditions of participation: free of charge
    Organizer: JUG Ru Group

    Cargo Cult is an event about how a systematic approach and critical thinking make work not just conscious, but effective.

    • Research in marketing and HR;
    • What questions can marketing answer and how to make these answers right;
    • Cargo cult in HR, PR and marketing: meetings, blogs, stands, collapse;
    • HR department monitoring and optimization: Employee Journey Map;
    • Foreign experience in building an HR brand;

    Details and registration

    How to search and find Big Data specialists? (series of webinars August 15/18/20)

    When: August 20, 19:00
    Where: online
    Conditions of participation: 3,000 rubles (a single ticket for the entire series of webinars)
    Organizer: IT Recruiter School

    Topics for discussion:
    • Deep learning, Machine learning and Big data - a view from the recruitment side (what it is and how to work with it)
    • Specializations in Big Data - what are they and how do they differ?
    • How and where to look for specialists in big data? Sourcing strategy and key channels.

    Speaker - Maxim Kuznetsov, Group

    Details and registration

    Promotion of a company’s brand through events (seminar)

    When: August 21, 18:30
    Where: Moscow, Oruzheyniy per., 41
    Terms of participation: 600 rubles
    Organizer: MARHR The

    event is aimed at HR managers who want to choose a non-trivial event format to attract candidates.


    • Andrey Alyasov, founder and CEO of Changellenge
    • Lera Mityaeva, Employer Brand Specialist, Alfa Bank
    • Olya Romanova, Head of IT recruitment at Alfa Bank
    • Veronika Silina, IT Community Manager at Mail.Ru

    Details and registration

    HR Digital Manager. Search and selection online (online course)

    When: August 22 - September 8
    Where: online
    Terms of participation: from 7,500 rubles per “starter pack”
    Organizer: HR Digital School

    The course was created for specialists in the field of selection who understand that the Internet environment is a tool that can enhance the work in the search and selection of personnel. It is focused primarily on the fact that it is as simple and affordable as possible to show how to use digital tools to solve HR problems: search, selection and attraction of personnel.

    What do you learn:

    • Search for the necessary candidates by specialization, past employment, etc .;
    • Correctly compose a job description and visualize it;
    • Work with a personal account to expand the coverage of candidates;
    • Create a career site and attract a stream of candidates to it;
    • Track the performance of online tools.

    Details and registration

    How to write a "selling" vacancy? (webinar)

    When: August 23, 15:00
    Where: online
    Terms of participation: free
    Organizer: “My Circle”

    Topics for discussion:

    • What to write in vacancies
    • What NOT to write about vacancies
    • What makes a good job different from a bad job
    • What and how to tell the candidate about the company
    • Vacancy - a tool for studying the market of candidates

    Details and registration

    Sourcing metrics (webinar)

    When: August 23, 15:00
    Where: online
    Terms of participation: free
    Organizer: Amazing Hiring

    It will be about how to measure the effectiveness of sourcing:

    • What indicators can be used to evaluate the work of sourcers and their leaders?
    • How to calculate and use these indicators?
    • How to distinguish a sourcing guru from a regular sourcer?

    Speaker - Narek Aslikyan, Business Development Manager, AmazingHiring.

    The webinar will be especially useful for managers of recruitment teams and specialists responsible for the sourcing function in the company.

    Details and registration

    Training "Secrets of IT selection"

    When: August 27, 10:00
    Where: Moscow, per. Mentor, 17, p. 1
    Terms of participation: 15 000 rubles
    Organizer: IT Recruiter School

    Training for IT HR and recruiters who want to develop in the most dynamic industry in the world.
    Training program:

    • Block 1. IT sphere: immersion
    • Block 2. Features of the search for IT-specialists
    • Block 3. Interview. How to bite a candidate
    • Block 4. New methods for finding IT specialists

    The author and moderator of the training is Svetlana Petrovicheva, founder of IT Recruiter School and GetIT.

    Details and registration

    Psychological Peerlab for HR (mitap)

    When: August 30, 19:00
    Where: the venue is being specified
    Terms of participation: free
    Organizer: Psychologist Anastasia Kalashnikova

    Psychological PeerLab for HR will be devoted to the topic of typing.

    Mitap Program:

    1. 5 types of motivation and their characteristics: money changer, status holder, result book, state employee, romantic.
    2. How to recognize the type of employee in an interview.
    3. The task in pairs - we are training on each other to recognize the type.
    4. Correlation of type and candidate required - how to write a job description for the required type.
    5. Red button for each type - what could be the reason for dismissal.

    Guest speaker - Anastasia Truskovskaya - HR project manager, consultant.

    Details and registration

    About event organizers

    • Anastasia Kalashnikova - psychologist, private consultant
    • My Circle is an IT professional search service, part of the Habr, Toaster, My Circle, and Freelansim ecosystems
    • “Valuable experience” - training center
    • HR Digital School - affordable online training for HR and recruiters
    • INDEX is a recruiting agency specializing in the search for IT specialists; the agency also has an INDEX School, which trains HR professionals who work in the IT field
    • IT Recruiter School - IT recruiting school
    • JUG Ru Group - organizer of international conferences and open meetings
    • MARHR - HR Marketing Project
    • SPALAH - Distance Learning in Digital Technology

    If in our digest you did not find any events for HR-specialists in the field of IT that will be held in August, please add them to the comments!

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