ABBYY-Habra blog: results of the year

    While in the dining room, located approximately under my workplace, a corporate party is booming, and the girls from the corporate communications department are laying out gifts for employees, I understand more clearly that the end of the year has come. So, it's time to take stock. In this case, Habra-totals.

    During the year, 44 posts were published on the company’s blog (several more were written and not published, but now not about them). It would seem that not so much, but there is something to remember.

    Most read

    To help the Internet shopper scored 58537 views and 944 favorites. I can’t hide - I’m pleased with the result. It turned out to be a good idea to wrap up, and the posting plate is useful even to myself: in the sad winter evenings I’m learning new online stores, guided by the feedback of habraloud. By the way, the co-author of the mentioned publication just brought me a couple of ginger men, whom some colleagues bake for tomorrow's corporate event. Thanks to him also for this :)

    How to determine the language of the printed text? (European languages) with 45839 views in second place also in the number of additions to Favorites (there are 406 of them)

    A series of posts with the tag " English lessons ": About love, or how to make a declaration of love in English "went pretty"scored 44214 views, and Literary Detective: “rainy” idioms in English - 40774. Let's hope that the author of these posts will please us with something in the coming year. And yes, I note that the two posts listed are only part of the one found by the tag. So if the subject is interesting - zhmaknite a reference , there may have something of the previously neuvidennogo.

    A serious post When it is necessary to tell the truth to a competitor: affidavits in the United States stopped at around 36,850 views.

    Mistress note

    An attentive reader must have already noticed that not a single technical psto is in the TOP-5. Honestly, we have been observing this trend for a long time (posts about various things rated higher than technical), but we are not going to abandon the technical ones anyway. However, their achievements are not so bad.

    The post was the sixth in the number of views. Once you read about the volatile keyword ... with almost 27k clicks. Dirty programming with a pure soul: the development of heuristic systems (+ its second part ) went somewhere beyond the top ten, but in total they can enter the top five. Although no, I won’t manipulate numbers like that :)


    We wrote about the exam ( 1 , 2 ), translated an article from the Dropbox blog, talked about the correct transfer of projects, “clouds” ( 1 , 2 ), and even mentioned Kuwait .
    Undeservedly ignored (carefully, IMHO!)
    ABBYY Labs: The “FromWord” project - playing with words on Android scored a total of 2984 views. I am very sorry that I could not describe the resulting application in a post as it deserves it. It's really cool: I myself saw how the colleagues who put it on their phones played with enthusiasm. Apparently, only students who were interested in ABBYY Labs showed interest in the post, and the rest passed by. So you know: in vain you did it!

    That's it

    Those. my mini review is over. Congratulations to all on the upcoming holiday. I wish you more good, suitable articles and fewer trolls in the comments.

    And yes, the comments accept wishes for the future: which series posts are you most interested in?

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