Windows Server and Azure merged

    Microsoft seems to be making a big bet on cloud computing. This is confirmed by the news about the integration of Windows Azure with the division of Windows Server and Solutions. As a result, a new organization was formed under the name Server and Cloud Division, which will be engaged in including the Azure public cloud, private customer clouds and hosting partners .

    Such a decision by Microsoft was quite expected, since Azure is no longer a pilot project, but should be profitable. This is best done in conjunction with the server business, which at Microsoft is a good money making machine, there is also an extensive customer base.

    Another significant piece of news is that Rei Ozzy (Microsoft CTO) has been removed from the post of Azure project manager and Amitabh Srivastava has been appointed. This is a signal that Azure has already grown from a technical project to a full-fledged business. I wonder how it will affect the pricing policy of Azure?

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