Already more than 100 experiments with Chrome
Last year, Chrome Experiments was launched , a site for demonstrating innovative web experiments based on open standards such as JavaScript and HTML5. Yesterday, the number of experiments proposed on it reached one hundred.

After the site was launched 18 months ago, browsers have improved significantly. A big step forward was the widespread adoption and support of HTML5, which is becoming the standard in all modern browsers. New features - such as video and canvas tags - have also inspired some work. It’s hard to pick the best experiments, but Destructive Video , SketchPad and Harmony are especially worth mentioning .
If you have not seen Chrome Experiments, then it is definitely worth spending time on this in Google Chrome or in any other modern browser. And developers can offer their work there.

After the site was launched 18 months ago, browsers have improved significantly. A big step forward was the widespread adoption and support of HTML5, which is becoming the standard in all modern browsers. New features - such as video and canvas tags - have also inspired some work. It’s hard to pick the best experiments, but Destructive Video , SketchPad and Harmony are especially worth mentioning .
If you have not seen Chrome Experiments, then it is definitely worth spending time on this in Google Chrome or in any other modern browser. And developers can offer their work there.