PayPal started accepting Maestro cards

    Today PayPal has notified its users that it is now possible to add Maestro cards .
    Maestro are entry-level cards and have a low cost of annual maintenance (up to 300 rubles). A number of banks do not charge this fee. To open the plastic does not require the placement of a security deposit, and children from 14 years old can release it.


    Often based on this product create social cards, such as student or retirement cards. So, Sberbank offers two such products: Sberbank-Maestro Social and Sberbank-Maestro Student. The first card is issued to persons receiving pensions or various social benefits. The annual service fee is set independently by the territorial banks of Sberbank of Russia in the range of 0 to 300 rubles. In Moscow, for the first year of service, no fee is charged, for each subsequent year - 30 rubles.

    The second card is issued to pupils and students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions and postgraduate students, regardless of the form of study, having reached 14 years of age. For each year of service, a fee of 150 rubles is charged.

    Maestro cards are popular in Russia, most salary projects are implemented on them.

    I never managed to add my Sberbank Maestro. Just an error pops up.

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