China builds a supercomputer with a performance of 100 petaflops

    While the United States launched the most powerful Sequoia supercomputer at the moment with a performance of 20
    petaflops, China began building the machine 5 times faster in productivity (100 petaflops). The launch is scheduled for 2015 and it will be called Tianhe-2.
    Tianhe-2 will help China in the power race and will compete with future supercomputers.
    Industry experts assess the situation and predict that by 2018 there will be devices with a capacity of 1,000 petaflops (1 exaflops), but Tianhe-2 will remain in the list of leaders. In addition, China itself plans to launch an exaflop computer by this date.
    Now another Chinese development is in the lead. This is the Tianhe-1A , which has a performance of 4.7 petaflops.
    Like the Tianhe-1A, the Tianhe-2 will also be developed by the National University of Military Technology.
    Leadership in the world of supercomputers pushes China to serious developments in the world of high technologies. Currently, the development is carried out using foreign (American) components and software. All developments are carried out within the framework of the 863 program , which is designed to help accelerate the country's development in the field of advanced technologies. The main goal of program 863 is the independence of the state from the import of foreign technologies.
    Taken from IT world .

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