... If anyone can measure the Runet, then this is Rambler

    Rambler presents a new version of the research project RUmetrica . Initially, RUmetric was conceived with the aim of helping specialists in the field of Internet marketing and online advertising in finding statistical information in various areas. In the first version of the project, which was released in May 2001, Rambler emphasized the thematic composition of the Runet. Project pages regularly published data on the distribution of Runet’s resources by topic and their attendance, information on search queries, information on accessing electronic stores, as well as information on the dynamics of user activity and on the volume of Runet (according to Rambler search engine data).
    An important innovation of the latest version of RUmetrics is the Trends service, which allows you to analyze the popularity of search queries. “Trends” take into account not only the thematic, but also the geographical factor, and also determine the intensity of the interests of the Internet audience in relation to a particular word in time. The Trends service also determines the geographic location of users who have requested the search by region and city in Russia and other countries.

    In the new version of the project, the general structure of the presentation of data on the interests of the audience and the thematic distribution of sites has been changed - now it fully corresponds to the structure of Rambler's Top100. This will allow the marketing services of companies to track changes in the industry and adjust their plans to reflect changes in the interests of the Internet audience. A distinctive feature of the service is that data can be viewed for an arbitrary period of time.

    The changes affected the display of data on the geographical distribution of visitors to sites registered in Rambler's Top100. On the one hand, counting is carried out for several geographical groups, and on the other hand, it is possible to view data on geographical units (the share of visitors to geographical units is at least 0.01%).

    Along with its own research, RUmetrica began publishing materials from the largest research centers in Russia. A detailed description of all the innovations can be found on the project pages.

    “If anyone can measure the Runet, then this is Rambler, because we have something to measure it with,” says Denis Kalinin, general director of Rambler Internet Holding. - We want to make RUmetric a modern project, accumulating the most complete information on researching the Internet audience. Our plans are to develop the service part of the project and conduct joint research with our colleagues. By the end of the year, we plan to connect several new research projects both according to Rambler and our partners' statistics. ”

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