Skillbox Friday Webinars: Continuing Learning for Free

    As far as you can tell, on Friday you will find it easier to watch a selection of webinars than on Saturday. Well then, let’s make it a good tradition to publish these videos at the beginning of the weekend.

    Today's release is diverse, from familiar programming to managing your own development studio. Go!

    Web Studio Stages

    The webinar is dedicated to the development of our own web studio. Some of us are more comfortable working in an organization created by someone else, but many want to open their own business. Both that, and another - an excellent option. As for your business, especially related to IT, there are several nuances. This video is dedicated to them. A must-see if you are seriously thinking that it is time to get in the helm yourself.

    Project Management Principles

    Well, this is a more general webinar, having looked through it, you can get a deeper acquaintance with the principles of project management in IT. Flexible development and its advantages over cascading, team interaction, the role of managers - all this is in our relatively small video. If you know what Agile is, and you are aware of how to properly organize processes so that it will not be excruciatingly painful, you can skip this webinar. But for beginners, that’s it.

    Skillbox recommends: The Mobile App Design Online Course .
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    Teamwork through the eyes of a designer

    Of course, designers are creative people. And these managers, who are always so creative, always climb with their TK, the desire to do everything in the shortest possible time and with other things that are familiar to many of us. But teamwork is not only the joy of communicating with like-minded people and swimming in the rays of their respect, first of all, this is the ability to get along with others. About what the designer expects when working in a team, and this webinar talks. (But everything is not so scary, do not be afraid).

    Interview with a programmer: life hacks for beginners

    This video will be useful to those who discovered programming only recently. In order to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the profession of a programmer, it is worth learning about them first hand. And this is exactly what our webinar provides.

    Overview of programming languages

    Oh well. Here it is, programming. But which language to choose first, where to start your journey? This topic is devoted as much as 2.5 hours (well, almost), so it’s quite possible to reveal it to the participants in the webinar. By the way, this topic can also be interesting for professionals, if only because you can express your point of view in the comments later. Our speakers are very sociable, and they are interested in what you think.

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