Comment of the day: Mug, faithful girlfriend!

    UPDATE: “Let’s drink, good friend of
    My poor youth,
    Drink with grief; where is the circle? ”

    Obviously, our friends have no such questions, and this cannot but rejoice! “Life has become better, life has become more fun!”, As they say ... Nevertheless, the time has come to take stock of our show of tar. The winners were clearly and uncompromisingly identified:
    1) Negor and his circle
    2) zone1508 and his circle
    3) ainu and his circle
    4,5) kaladhara and his circle , Cyr and his circle

    We ask our winners to provide their addresses for sending prizes in PM to the author of the post ( Tigger ).

    Thanks for participating!

    And yes help us ... Mug!

    Dear Hawkers and blog readers!

    We again hold the contest “Commentary of the day”, which has become traditional for our blog on Habré. True, this time we decided to diversify it a bit, and together (or instead of) with text comments we are waiting for photos from you, and maybe even drawings.

    The fact is that the hero of this competition will be the faithful companion of all the system administrators, programmers and hard workers of the IT industry - the circle. It’s because we draw energy from it and enjoy it, warm our hands in the winter and sip refreshing drinks from it in the summer. This can sometimes be used to find out the work experience of an employee by counting the “annual rings” in the growths of tea stone. And it is from it that we sometimes drink stronger drinks at office gatherings, neglecting soulless plastic cups. In large companies, hired mugs are handed out to employees, but a real fighting girlfriend, of course, materializes from completely null-space completely forgotten presentations and conferences, is presented by friends, partners or a beloved woman. And this is precisely what gives it added value in our eyes. It’s hard for us to remember at times

    Turning to such an important and somewhere sacred symbol of office and home life, we cannot limit ourselves to dry text and ask you to post in the comments photos of your own circles, or those that you remember, attract or repel. In a word, all the circles worthy of attention.

    By tradition, the authors of the most popular, and, perhaps, and vice versa, minuscule, comments will receive prizes from us: the first three winners - branded thermoses, the next two - circles (of course, branded).

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