2nd Forum of mobile developers Apps4All: free for Habr
Dear% Habrauser%!
We really value the Habr community and invite you, as its integral part, to our 2nd Apps4All Mobile Developers Forum, which will be held this Friday at the Digital October Center. In order not to spread my thoughts, I’ll just say that we will have representatives: Intel, IBM, LG, Qualcomm, Huawei, RIM, Nordic AB, Game Insight, Microsoft, Novilab Mobile, venture funds and many other interesting companies and people. We will discuss the creation of mobile applications, the device of the future, the tasks of monetization and analytics, investments and much more.
For Habr users, we have prepared a promo code for50 100 participants, the passage with which to the conference will be absolutely free.

You just need to register here, the promo code is habraapps.
Come, there will be many interesting things!
We really value the Habr community and invite you, as its integral part, to our 2nd Apps4All Mobile Developers Forum, which will be held this Friday at the Digital October Center. In order not to spread my thoughts, I’ll just say that we will have representatives: Intel, IBM, LG, Qualcomm, Huawei, RIM, Nordic AB, Game Insight, Microsoft, Novilab Mobile, venture funds and many other interesting companies and people. We will discuss the creation of mobile applications, the device of the future, the tasks of monetization and analytics, investments and much more.
For Habr users, we have prepared a promo code for

You just need to register here, the promo code is habraapps.
Come, there will be many interesting things!