Semit recording from SumIT summer startup marathon

    It was a wonderful summer day (August 18, 2011) when Alexander Orlov (an independent consultant in project management, Vice President of the Guild of Program Project Managers) came to the site of the SumIT Startup Marathon (St. Petersburg, Kronverksky pr. 49, NRU ITMO) to hold a seminar on the topic “How startup teams are formed”. The seminar brought together more than a hundred people and dragged on until the evening. The presentation contained a lot of useful information, therefore, recalling the past SumIT and waiting for the future WinIT, we post the video of this seminar in this topic!

    Alexander Orlov - “How teams are formed in IT companies”.

    Seminar abstracts:
    What is the skill of managing difficult and smart people? Why does the team work like clockwork for some managers and people solve complex problems and get real pleasure from it?
    A manager and a team can be on one side of the barricade, and then for this tandem there are practically no organizational and technical problems. The success of the project directly depends on how much the manager and engineers can work together into one mechanism and become one team.
    We will analyze what mechanisms operate during the life cycle of a team and how it can be influenced.

    Short biography:
    Alexander Orlov is an independent consultant in the field of project management for software development and development teams, employee motivation and retention systems, and career building. He is the author of a series of trainings on team management, development of managerial skills and building a career in IT.
    Vice President of the Guild of Software Project Managers.
    From 2004 to 2008, he worked at Intel as the leader of a group of programmers.
    From 2000 to 2004, he worked at Elbrus MCST under a contract with Sun Microsystems, Inc.. Since 2002, he led the Java Technology Testing Group on Mobile Devices (J2ME).
    Founder of the project Happy PM. The author of the book “Secrets of Programmer Management”. Speaker of more than 30 industrial conferences.
    Founder of the online university of
    In the past, Intel corporate training leader: New Employee Orientation, Transition to Manager, Effective Listening

    Time: 08/18/2011 at 19:00
    Location: SumIT Territory (SPbSU ITMO, 49 Kronverksky pr.)
    Photos can be viewed here

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