Credit service development

    Damn all this banking red tapeWelcome dear customers and shopkeepers. After the New Year holidays just passed, we again decided to remind you of ourselves, and there are several good reasons for this. But first things first. We remind you that the development of the credit service began on September 8 immediately after the publication of the article on the hub , where I outlined the idea of ​​the project. Of the 6 months allotted for development, almost 4 have passed, and it is time for us to report on the work done. And in general, someone needs to evaluate our work and add to the process of constructive criticism.

    To begin with, briefly about what we do. We wanted to create a credit service for online stores, with which buyers of any store will be able to purchase goods on credit, without even leaving the house. And, strangely enough, we managed to create such a service. But, as often happens, many pitfalls were discovered, about which we made a lot of cones. But first, we’ll talk about what we did, and then what happened so far.

    UPD: The site went down from the habraeffect. Swearing with a hoster. Decide within 10 minutes.
    UPD2: All fixed. The site came to life. We apologize.

    So far we have succeeded in the following:
    1. Cool Not the worst project site (for connoisseurs, at least a good site)
    2. Registration of the store owner ( and the buyer (
    3. Personal account for the buyer (register as a buyer, this will take no more than 30 seconds) and for the store owner (symmetrically)
    4. A service for selecting loans ( loan calculator ), which can be used both independently and in a specific store.
    5. Management of personal data of registered users through the site (you can use any of 2 accounts).

    Thus, already now we can offer store owners to set the button code for “pick up a loan”. To do this, you need to register, fill out a form and send an application. Buyers can also try filling out their profiles now. Only now we have nowhere to send them. So, in fact, it's time to talk about the pitfalls.


    There are only two of them and they are all connected with our venerable banking structures. Problem No. 1: Banks are still not ready to specifically say where and in what form user data and product information should be uploaded. And this despite the fact that after the announcement of the project, quite senior managers of Russian banks contacted us and offered cooperation. The decision at the level of senior management of banks was made almost immediately, but so far nothing has been done by banks for integration into our service.

    But this is not the most difficult moment. The most difficult was the legal registration of contractual relations between a bank, a service and a store. Our lawyer has been working on these agreements for a month now, and just recently, just the other day, significant progress has been made in this direction. Therefore, we can conclude the first agency agreement with the bank in January.

    Another difficulty for us was the delivery and signing of a loan agreement. The courier or store operator must deliver the contract and verify the identity of the borrower (in case the buyer picks up the goods). To do this, the courier must be trained at a bank. Despite the fact that this training takes half a day on its strength, and is, in fact, an empty formality, store owners are in no hurry to send couriers for training.

    There are a few more difficult moments with the transfer of funds. The fact is that in a regular store, for example, in Eldorado, when the buyer signs a loan agreement and picks up the goods, the bank does not transfer any money to the store. This happens only after some time, and sometimes even once a month in one large transfer for the entire amount of loans issued in the store. On the Internet, this model works much worse, because store owners do not run the risk of shipping goods until they are paid. We, in turn, cannot pay it until a loan agreement has been signed, which will be delivered to the buyer only at the time of shipment of the goods and after signing should be delivered to the bank, where it may well be rejected due to incorrect filling. The result is a vicious circle, which we still can not break.


    About the difficulties, probably, will be enough. Now let's talk about the good. In the course of work on the project, we decided not to limit ourselves to online stores, but to take into circulation the usual points of sale. How? Very simple. We will give them access to our credit service without any online store. It will be enough for the operator of a regular store to download information about the product and personal data of the buyer. Then, after a few minutes, it will be possible to get a loan decision and a loan agreement for signing, after which a satisfied buyer can already pick up the goods from the store. In this direction, we are likely to encounter the same pitfalls, maybe other difficulties will appear.
    From the point of view of loan products, the B2B market turned out to be very interesting, where there is also a need for the prompt calculation of loans, leasing and other banking services. This can be judged even by the presence of demand for such services from companies that have already addressed us with this issue.

    Of the interesting events there were also such as a nomination for Runet Antipremia and the TechCrunch Moscow Moscow conference, where we managed to visit on December 5 and get a lot of different (and not only positive) ratings of our service from Internet market experts, Internet project managers and specialists in the field of web-technologies. But this is probably the topic for the next publication.


    In general, the market interest in our service was even higher than we expected. Both from the side of banks and from the side of shops we received a lot of ideas, suggestions and recommendations. We are especially pleased with the dissatisfied shop owners, who, starting from September 8, periodically write to us with the question, when will everything finally work with us. We take this opportunity to apologize to them for all the delays and hope for their understanding. At the moment, the main difficulty of the project is the legally competent execution of contractual relations between banks, Conpay service and stores. As soon as we manage to conclude the first contract with the bank, we will inform everyone who was interested in our project about it and finally launch our loan service.

    It should be recognized that the project turned out to be much larger and more serious than we expected in view of our own naivety and inexperience. Nevertheless, in spite of all the bumps and pitfalls, we are nevertheless moving towards our goal and, I hope, we will achieve it sooner or later.

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