StopSocial - extension for blocking social content (Opera, Chrome) [UPD]

    Do you use the “Like”, “Share” buttons? What about social networks in general? Many users will probably answer “no.”

    I use social buttons and widgets extremely rarely. If I want to share a link with someone, it will not be difficult for me to open the site in the next tab and copy the link there. However, recently more and more sites began to use 5-6 buttons "Share" from different social networks. The ubiquitous “Share” and “Follow” with the obligatory indication of the number of likes is not only annoying, but, in some cases, it also slows down the page loading. In addition, very often colorful buttons of various shapes and sizes do not fit into the design of the site on which they are posted. Not every website uses social buttons adapted to the design.

    There are only a couple of extensions in the extension directories of popular browsers that have the ability to block social content - these are AntiSocial for Chrome and Adblock with the function of blocking Facebook buttons. AntiSocial did not work out due to the lack of support for Russian-language social networks (and I was looking for an extension for Opera), but with Adblock it’s clear that Russian sites are not the only Facebook sites.

    So a very simple StopSocial extension appeared , supporting the most popular social services such as VKontakte, Facebook, Google +1,, etc. A complete list can be found on the page with the extension.

    Technical information

    It uses tools specific to extensions of this kind: Opera URL Filter API and CSS selectors, which can be disabled for a particular site if something unnecessary is blocked.

    And finally, a screenshot of the extension:

    A version for Chrome has appeared .

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