imageAccording to the specifics of my professional activity ( development of an electronic archive system , as well as teaching Enterprise content management at a university ), over the past 10 years I have been closely studying the resources of the Russian Internet on the topic of electronic document management. Personally, the situation depresses me a bit: on the one hand, there is a lot of advertising information, on the other hand, there is little independent analytics and educational resources. Let's try to understand this rotten and its reasons, analyzing Russian resources.

    Let's start with the "independents"


    Three years ago, with the support of DocsVision, a section of Doc.CNews or CNews appeared. Document circulation, judging by the information of which, everything is extremely wonderful and optimistic on the Russian EDMS market. A lot of press releases about the successful completion of large projects, machine-gun tapes of articles written according to a single template: a problem or news on a topic, most often generated over the hill, plus comments by leading experts from the same leading companies.


    PCWEEK. Document flow / ECM Topic host - Andrey Kolesov. A group of journalists and experts from a well-known magazine is trying to understand both the basics (terminology, standards) and conceptual issues (market conditions, trends).


    The Docflow Forum is an online platform for the largest event in Russia in the subject area. A couple of years ago, he cooked a pot, but they began to talk about his death already in early 2010. Today the forum is a sad sight: abandoned topics, rare posts and comments.

    Pseudo-Independent and Dependent

    Directum company blog

    It was originally called, then it was renamed in order to make it industry-specific. We must pay tribute to the organizers of the resource, the work on filling and supporting the resource is tremendous, many experts have been involved (though, mainly from among the employees of Directum).

    Content is generated stably, but discussions most often boil down to a sort of internecine. Any dissent is severely suppressed and actively moderated, which can be seen on the example of the topic Versioning of documents in the application to visual content .

    A couple of analytical articles sent to the blog were deeply reworked and emasculated, all links to competitors and “doubtful” moments in the opinion of moderators were removed.

    Electronic Document Management Community

    The main objective of this resource is to promote the products of the customer of the blog - the EOS company. This blog also claims to be an industry blog like, so frankly advertising posts are interspersed with analytical articles by independent experts and press releases from other vendors.

    Interdisciplinary expert publication E. Doc
    belongs to the marketing pen of the Electronic Archive company (Elar)

    Blog Natalia Khramtsovskaya

    The author is a recognized expert in the EDMS market and is rightfully considered the most authoritative analytical person with simply frantic authorial productivity. No one has such a quantity of translated materials, reports on thematic events attended, and simply comments. Natalia is an employee of EOS, but her position is as independent as possible. Archivist and document manager to the bone.


    Since Dokumentum is part of the international EMC, its marketing is extremely problematic. However, in Runet there are:
    Albert Bertyakov , consultant and teacher maintains a personal blog. The comrade is extremely meticulous and scrupulous, has a broad horizons in the subject area. He studied with him on copyright courses in ECM.
    My Dokumentum , author Elena Strelkova, Marketing Director, Information Intelligence Group at EMC Russia and the CIS. It is a pity in this blog you can not comment and write posts.

    Blog All about electronic archives on

    Recently launched a joint project of the consulting company DSS Consulting and our company ALEE SOFTWARE. The goal is to analyze and structure the market for Russian electronic archives (Electronic records management).

    The situation on Habré

    There is no separate thematic blog on EDMS. By tags "EDMS" and "ECM" are scattered articles, questions and blogs of vendor companies.

    Cognitive Technologies (developer of the Euphrates EDMS)
    The only attempt - the article " Another EDS or ...? " Was foolish and never received the promised continuation with details.

    Electronic Office Systems (developer of EDMS "Delo")
    A vivid example of writing press releases on Habré. Minimal comments, low article ratings.

    I won’t say that everything is great, there is a lot to strive for.

    IMHO, the reasons for the unpopularity of the subject of EDMS on Habré :
    • Inappropriate audience . The majority of readers are technical specialists, but there are almost no direct users of EDMS - office clerks and archivists; in addition, among the authors and readers of Habr, there are not many leaders making decisions on the introduction of an EDMS.
    • The unwillingness of developers to rake the negative for their systems . The technological implementation of many EDMS leaves much to be desired: outdated platforms, terrible interfaces with numerous tables and fields, condos and unwillingness of developers to use new technologies. Nevertheless, the developers of the EDMS react to Habr. So, a post titled Why do users hate EDMS? caused a serious resonance in EDC circles . Soon followed by a response from market participants. CompanyMedia: showed the market the EDMS interface from Lebedev Studio , though I haven’t seen these interfaces anywhere, but it would be interesting not only to me. Cognitive Technologies, on the other hand, used Usethics services on the same subject.
    • A marketing error in the form of Habr’s perception of one of the blog platforms (, LJ) and, as a result, an assignment to a PR manager who does not know well the problems of the EDMS and for this reason is unable to prepare materials that are really interesting to the target audience.
    • Even in a large EDMS company, it ’s difficult to find a technical specialist who can be made interested in posting articles on Habré, and writing interesting articles is generally a special gift or art.

    What are we going to do to improve the situation and recommend to others:

    1. Given the multidisciplinary subject area, to attract specialists from different fields (document managers, archivists, standardizers, IT specialists, managers) to write articles and commenting
    2. Translate thematic foreign materials from sites such as AIIM.
    3. Post author articles of interest to the target audience. Here, few people are interested in the next rebranding of the product. It is much more interesting to read about technological platforms, problems and solutions during the development, installation, operation of systems. A vivid example is an article on the experience of implementing the Alfresco Document Management System .
    4. Ask developers and readers questions , preferably inconvenient to try to get answers to them .

    And what do you think is the reason for the EDMS rotten on Habré? And what would you be interested to read and discuss on the above topics?

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