Tester conferences in Europe or a reason to shop around?

    We already wrote earlier about the variety of cities captured by testers within our former homeland (now the CIS), which appear in batches after the next SQA Days . And now I decided to look beyond the borders of the CIS and ask, is there life on Mars? And so I decided to search the Internet, and what kind of high- quality conferences should be offered to a “quality” person ?

    There are difficulties with sorting knowledge. Part of the conferences has already ended; there are old dates, but no new ones. For the part, there are already new dates and writing old dates is not comme il faut. Some conferences are so nimble that it is difficult to attribute them to one particular region, since they constantly migrate, in an attempt to escape from a “quality” person.
    Only industry practical conferences were subject to review, i.e. not scientific in different research institutes on the problems of verification, validation, etc. Scientific conferences deserve a separate article. I tried to choose large, regular events. Suspicious conference startups ignored.
    Only conferences that are 100% about testing and quality were subject to review. Conferences like about Software Engeneering in general, including about quality - were not included in the review.
    I took the latest relevant dates for each conference, sorted the conferences by region based on where they are or will be held, but indicated which conferences are not geostationary (eco bent?) - i.e. they’re not attached to the city, but they’re kuraleshat in different countries.
    For interest, I immediately tried to collect the Old and the price tag. And let it be!
    If possible, if a valuable link was found at the conference - a la materials from the speeches of past years - a link was provided.
    The dates in bold are those that are still in the future at the time of publication, i.e. you can still catch it! :)

    And on a hub it seems there are limits on article length ?! The review included America, Asia, Africa, and Australia with New Zealand. But they do not fit! Then left the most delicious - Europe \ CIS. But a number of conferences such as GTAC or CITCOM are so international that they will be held once in America, and then in Europe. And where to include them here?).

    Label format:
    Stationary?dateTownTitle with linkcosta comment



    YesJanuary 18-20, 2012VeinSoftware Quality Days350-470 EURlargest in Austria
    notJune 13, 2012Veiniqnite 2012 Österreichno data


    YesMarch 12-14, 2012BrusselsThe Belgium Testing Days808-950 EURBelgium testers community

    Great Britain

    notNovember 21-24, 2011ManchesterEurostarfull under 2000 EUR, one day about 850 EURThe largest conference in Europe. Habro man jnechaeva has even begun to prepare a report on this event .
    Useful content is available in their community, available after registration.
    notMay 16-17, 2012LondonTesting and Financeno data
    notApril 16-18, 2012LondonSelenium confno data
    notOctober 2012LondonIqnite ukno data


    notMarch 21-25, 2011Berlin4-th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2011)625-850 EUR
    notNovember 2-3, 2011NurembergAgile Testing and QA850-950 EUR
    notNovember 14-17, 2011PotsdamAgile testing daysno data
    notApril 24-26, 2012DusserdolfIqnite germanyno data


    YesApril 3, 2012ParisFrench Testing Day 2012no data


    YesJune 20-21, 2011MilanSTF - Software Testing Forumno data


    YesJune 2012MadridExpoqano data
    YesOctober 17-19, 2012Bilbao11th International Conference on Software QA and Testing
    on Embedded Systems
    900 EUR


    YesNovember 29, 2011EnschedeThe dutch testing day900 EUR
    notNovember 5-8, 2012Amsterdam20th Annaual EuroStar 2012up to 2000 EURanniversary however! probably something strong


    YesMarch 14, 2012ZurichSwiss Testing Dayno data
    notJune 19, 2012GenfIqnite swissno data
    notSeptember 25, 2012ZurichIqnite swissno data


    notOctober 2012StockholmIqnite swedenno data


    YesMarch 1-2, 2012PragueCzech Test 2012now preferential price 300 EUR


    YesNovember 17-18, 2011WarsawSoftware quality550 EUR + VAT (VAT)
    YesOctober 2012PoznanTest warezno dataCORE Magazine - English, a lot about testing, online product testing service


    YesMay 26, 2011RigaTheory and Practice of Software Testing (TAPOST 2011),no dataThe site has materials from past years, English.

    Well, for the sake of completeness, one can not help but talk about the CIS.



    notDecember 2-3, 2011Moscow10th Anniversary International Conference SQA Days5 000 - 10 000 RURRegistration is closed. Online only
    notwas last in 2009?MoscowTest labsno datathe situation with the conference is not clear ...


    notFebruary 2012KievSelenium campMaterials of the last conference
    not20-21? April 2012Kiev11th SQA Days Conference5 000 - 10 000 RURmaterials from previous conferences are on the conference website

    Below you can watch the video clip about the SQA Days series conferences:

    If there are comments or additions - always welcome!
    The second part of the article: habrahabr.ru/blogs/testing/133416

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