Brainteaser - web quest site

On Habré various puzzles and quests are regularly published, both ours and others. I want to bring to your attention a whole resource of puzzles and web quests.
A web quest task appears on the site weekly. Registered users can leave decisions in hidden comments. They are revealed at the moment of the start of the countdown timer (in the upper left corner of the page), which counts the time until the start of the next quest. The winner is the first participant to respond correctly in the comments. He receives a prize and rating points.
At the project launch stage, quests are developed only by the site administration. In the future, partners will be attracted who can provide various prizes and ideas for quests. In addition, in the future it is planned for registered users to add the ability to publish their quests and assign prizes for them.
The first quest starts today.
The main prize is the GYRO-Vizor XL helicopter .
The quest is published on Habré before the official launch on Brainteaser.
"Stages of the development of Google Maps" Initially, Google Maps was a C ++ program created by two Danish developers. From the moment of its “birth”, the project has developed by leaps and bounds. Google Moon was launched when Apollo’s landing on the moon turned 34.

After Hurricane Katrina, Google Maps updated 13 images of New Orleans to review the extent of flooding in various parts of the city.
83 images were added to the Turin area in connection with the Winter Olympics.
In 33 major US cities, real-time vehicle traffic monitoring was available.
As a result of the next upgrade, a failure occurred. In the New York area, images of the area were lost. The total number was 118. And only 12 of them were not restored.
Soon, 52 new countries were added to Google Maps in Latin America and Asia.
It is also known that Google fulfills the requirements of special services for closing cartographic information in areas where objects of varying degrees of secrecy are located. The list of hidden places has 78 objects.
You will find the key to the answer on the institute’s website in the domain zone of Russia.