Fifth hub meeting

    Regular readers of the "Events" blog know that Moscow habrausers have recently developed a new tradition - to meet in cafes on Thursdays. The fifth meeting was already held last week, a small report about which I am publishing. This time, nine people gathered in the corner opposite the Mart Cafe bar - with each meeting we get a little, but more. Meetings are held every Thursday, and tomorrow we will meet again - who was not, come, who was already - we are waiting for you again.

    Sysadmin Aydar fkvfwith companion Yulia - by the way, an engineer from Ila (Design Bureau Ilyushin). Aydar announced that he was looking for a system administrator-enikeyschik in his office, and Julia talked about the difficulties of survival of the aircraft concern in modern Russia. Unlike Sukhoi, Ilyushin is far from having such a powerful PR, and many could simply forget about this company, even though the president, prime minister and patriarch are still flying on its sides. But the main problem remains practically the irremovability of generations: no matter what, new young specialists come to the industry, but old-timers teach them reluctantly and some of the knowledge simply disappears.

    Someone Slava NektoDev with his girlfriend Dasha and another Dasha - PR manager in free flight Darena, who said that she lives literally in two capitals (Moscow and Prague), and in her free time and at her own expense does a similar project - informal meetings and communication at a dinner on free topics - art, science, culture. In the meantime, Dasha promised to recommend other meeting places for us, when habraposidelki will grow so much that we will no longer fit in a favorite corner by the bar.

    Another of our guests, due to an oversight, didn’t get into the frame, but you can’t mention it: he became the nasreddin habranovitch , project manager and leader of his own projects.

    And, finally, regulars of habraposidelok: andorro , mktums and berq22 :

    Many of those who would like to, but hesitate to come to us on Thursday, fear the awkwardness that may be present when a company of strangers gathers. Actually, we are responsible for ensuring that there is no tension in our communication - several smart people of about the same age and close range of interests simply cannot help but find a common language. And the five past meetings confirm this - we don’t get bored. Who came to our meetings - write in the comments about your impressions and wishes for future gatherings.

    I hope I haven’t lied about or mixed up anyone - I'm getting old, my memory has become completely bad :)

    PS Thursday, October 27, 20:00, Mart cafe , 21 tables. See you!

    PPS Announcements and the course of the party will be covered by the hashtag#habraparty and #habr .

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