Official Apology and Lebedev Roller

    Trailer Studio.

    100% of customers are satisfied with the result.

    Cons: The
    studio is delayed. And in the period May-June 2011 breaks.

    In our studio there was an internal crisis. For a long time we tried to keep prices as low as possible, as a result we had a large pool of orders. In the spring, we significantly increased prices, because even then we felt that we were on the verge of meeting deadlines. But after that, there were even more orders. And in May, we broke down. There was a wave of orders for one style and people working in its framework were not able to manage to do everything. As a result, for two orders, we greatly missed the deadlines.

    Trailer Studio is completely based on human decency, both within the company and in the case of working with customers. And the difficult, strained communication with customers was unusual for us and resulted in an unpleasant test.

    In June, a number of anti-crisis measures were taken. We froze receiving new orders until mid-August. We parted with a number of people who allowed such a situation, reorganized the work. The crisis allowed us to take a fresh look at the situation. As a result, we have significantly reformed the organization of work. And the orders that came in June are already under the new scheme.

    Now we have almost scrambled out. But.

    As I said above, human decency is a little more for us than a hackneyed term. And I want to apologize publicly to those companies that are now having difficulty with the deadlines due to our fault. In particular, I want to apologize to Denis Kutergin.

    I am not afraid of reducing the number of orders after this post, we are great fellows, and soon there will be many high-profile announcements. But I am afraid to remain incorrect in relation to our customers. You are our everything. Thanks to all those who work with us, who support in difficult situations.

    And finally, the video.

    For those who are used to the fact that there is a video in each of our posts, I suggest viewing the video “Lebedev and the Road”. Do not take it seriously, so we hone our skills from time to time:

    Thanks for attention.

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