WWDC 2011: Text Broadcast - Mac OS Lion, iOS 5, iCloud

    Continuing the glorious traditions of Habr, I present to you a text broadcast from the Apple event - WWDC (World wide developers conference) 2011. Which this year is dedicated to the new version of iOS for iPhone / iPad, the new version of Mac OS X “Lion” and the new iCloud service.

    Total: iOS 5, iCloud - for developers today. The release is in the fall. Lion - July release.

    Video, because says it’s better to see it once than read it 100 times: iOS 5 , Lion

    Learn more about iCloud - www.apple.com/icloud

    Steve Jobs on stage

    Says that all tickets to the event (5200 pcs.) were sold in 2 hours. (AFAIK, it took 49 minutes to google on i / o)

    Today we will talk about new versions.

    Mac OS Lion

    Phil Schiller was invited to the stage to talk about the new version of desktop OS

    Mac sales are growing by 28% every year, while PC Market has 1%.

    The new version of Mac OS X 250 has a new feature. Today they will talk about the 10 most significant.

    1. Multi-touch gestures on the trackpad.

    2. Fullscreen applications

    3. Mission control - “MCC” for applications

    The combination of these three possibilities gives the user:
    * smart-zoom = increasing the application with a double tap on the trackpad
    * “scrolling” with 3 fingers on the trackpad to the left or right - switching applications. Almost Like RIM PlayBook

    4. Photo booth - now knows how to follow the face. As an example, flying birds.

    5.Mac App Store - application store. Over the past 6 months, it has become number 1 in the sale of PC software.

    New features for applications.

    As an example, they said that thanks to the “store” Autodesk had 1 million new Mac users.

    6. Launchpad - ease of launching applications. Now almost like in iOS

    7. Autosave / restore.

    The menu helps to manage the document.

    System features :

    8. AirDrop - easy file sharing between computers that support this technology. You do not need to install anything. It all configures and sees users. Just drag and drop the file to the right person.

    9. Mail - a new version of the mail client. New look, grouping by correspondence.

    New convenient search bar. Understands what you want to find.

    10. Migration from Windows and a lot more.

    It will be available in July, only through the application store, 4GB file, installation without rebooting (!) For $ 29.99

    iOS 5

    200 million devices, number 1 mobile OS with 44% of the market

    25 million iPad for 14 months, 15 billion songs sold through iTunes, 130 million books downloaded via iBook

    90,000 iPad applications, 14 billion downloads from the application store

    2.5 billion dollars to developers

    225 million account credit card entries.

    New iOS Chips

    1,500 new APIs! 200 new features, but it’s about 10 key features.

    1. - Update Center

    There are some widgets - weather and promotions

    Available by “pull from the top of the screen”

    New lock-screen

    2. - “Newspaper stall” - for those who are subscribed to “print” editions

    Always fresh numbers. Download in the background. All in one place.

    3. Integration with Twitter. “We want Twitter to be available in every application.” The

    statistics are impressive. 1 billion tweets per week.

    Contacts, maps, photos, and other applications already contain the possibility of ritvit.

    4. Safari

    Holds the Market

    Now with the “Reader” button - removes ads and leaves only the main thing.

    Reading List - Read Later


    5. New application - Reminders / to-do list. With synchronization.

    Reminded not only by time, but also by place. (I will arrive, I will leave)

    6. Camera.

    Very popular.

    Lockscreen-e access button

    You can take pictures with the volume up button.

    Special effects: crop, rotate, reduce red-eye, and one-click enhancement.

    7. Mail.

    RTF - formatting Text

    search of messages, flags


    Improved keyboard:

    8. Computer is no longer needed

    To start iTunes device is no longer needed

    Air updates

    Updates only what you need.

    Synchronization with iTunes is also via WiFi

    9. Game center.

    iOS is a popular gaming platform.


    Find friends

    And friends of friends

    Download games

    Turn-based games

    10. iMessage (iMessages)
    Exchange only between iOS devices

    But allows you to group, send photos, videos, contacts, and notify in real time (like Google Wave)

    The OS version itself will be available in autumn, but SDK for programmers is available today.
    Supports 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad and iPad 2, and 3rd and 4th gen iPod touch.


    Devices can “communicate” with the cloud at any time - take photos, send to the cloud, and it automatically appears on other devices.

    “People think the cloud is just a big drive, but we think it's bigger.”

    MobileMe has been rewritten for a steeper cloud.

    Send letters to @ me.com - you receive an email on all devices.
    Services will be ad-free. (rebuked google? :))

    FREE! (For MobileMe We took 99 cu per year)

    Synchronization of purchases. If the device does not have the program that you bought, tap the cloud icon and the applications will be installed.

    With books and subscriptions the same thing.

    Almost all the content of the device can be stored in the cloud.

    Made a document - upload it to the cloud.

    and it will be available on another device.

    As an example, edit the document, insert the photo from the iPhone, and turn off the device and come home, turn on Pages on the iPad, you will find that the thumbnail of the document is automatically updated.

    Auto-update documents on all devices.

    There will be a special KFOR


    Sharing photos on devices.
    Those. you photographed something in a photo stream, and after a while the photo will be available who will be subscribed to your stream.

    Available both on TV and PC.

    It is stored either 30 days or the last 1000 photos.

    Photographed on iPhone, immediately available on iPad-e and PC.

    iTunes in the cloud

    Now there is no charge for purchases for different devices. Everything is legal.

    It takes about 30 seconds to get the song after clicking on the download button.

    Having bought on one device, we automatically get on the other

    again. It will be all free. For mail, documents and backups, 5 Gb of space is given. Those. purchases do not count.

    For developers, the beta version is today, and for the laity - in the fall.

    iTunes Match

    It will scan your library to compare what you currently have on your PC with what is stored in the store, and there are now 18 million songs. This is to transfer your collection to the cloud. It takes minutes.

    And your collection will cost you $ 25 in year.

    “If you think that this is not serious, you are mistaken, this is our third data center.”


    The work of writing a post, as always, can be estimated through the figures of karma :) otherwise it was somewhat emaciated in these 2 hours :)

    Thanks for attention.

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