Social media monitoring

    Do you do social media promotion ?! Then this article is for you. Someone will find new information for themselves, and someone will be able to share their own rich experience.

    A few more questions that you need to answer before reading)) What program or service do you use on social media? Does it satisfy your needs? Monitor your brand mentions online? Do you use a specific service for monitoring or do it yourself?

    Naturally, we already understand how important it is to use social media to promote our brand, but the idea that monitoring mentions and analyzing competitors is a platform for building communication has not come to everyone.

    There are many tools for tracking user activity. The question remains open - What monitoring tools exist and which ones are the best ?!

    I will not write much, I will present statistics (source flowtown) and my comments based on my own experience of working with SMM in the Ingria Business Incubator.

    1. What factors influence the choice of tools for monitoring social media?

    The options are arranged in the following sequence:
    1. Metrics provided
    2. Interface
    3. Integration with various social media
    4. Price
    5. The ability to schedule updates

    I would vote for 3 points, since there is not enough space where you can integrate all social media in the same place Get statistics and monitoring mentions.

    Speaking about the fourth point (price), the majority replied that they were willing to pay less than $ 100 for a service that allows you to monitor social media. I think that in Russia the percentage will certainly be no less!

    2. Are you satisfied with the service you use to monitor social media?

    Most responded that they are quite happy with the service, but if something new appears, they are ready to consider this option. By the way, a good idea for a startup))

    3. Why do you use twitter and how many accounts do you have?

    For most, Twitter is a business and personal communication. 47% use only one account.
    For example, I have 4 accounts, so you can’t do without a special service.

    4. What services do you use to work with Twitter? (the study was conducted using

    The results include not only special twitter clients, but also analytics tools, mobile applications, auto-follow and others. Leading place is occupied by Seesmic Desktop, TweetDeck, Tweetie. What do you use?

    5. I am sure that most have their own preferences for the programs that they use, but the following is a complete and quite interesting list of free (and not only) services that you can use for monitoring and planning.

    Now try to answer the questions that were at the very beginning:
    What program or service do you use on social media? Does it satisfy your needs? Monitor your brand mentions online? Do you use a specific service for monitoring or do it yourself?

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