pays scholarships

    One of the main advantages of Web 2.0 is the involvement of users in the creation of site content, without which many projects could not exist. Then, if many sites "live" at the expense of their users, why not introduce remuneration to particularly active (and useful for the site) users? So the idea of ​​the creators of the site came about to pay a kind of scholarship for the development of the site.

    Original video content was rated by the site at $ 5 for every 1000 views. In order to receive this reward, a video must meet several criteria: firstly, the copyright on the video must belong to the user who posted it. You can’t count on receiving a fee for a clip taken from YouTube, which, however, is completely justified. Secondly, a video should have at least 3,000 views and a rating of at least 5 out of 10. This means that ordinary video is unlikely to receive user recognition and bring at least some amount of pocket money to its author. But really original and interesting videos will be paid in full. The site even provides some tips for promoting the video.

    Active users will have the opportunity to make money on their hobby. “Everyone, even having made the video“ on his knee ”, can not only wake up popular and famous, but also get a fee for his work,” Danilov noted. “Making a popular video is not so difficult. And posting it on is also profitable. ” In addition, paying for the videos will contribute to some extent to solving the problem of pirated video, whose share on video portals reaches perhaps almost 99%.

    By the way, it is worth noting that the idea of ​​promoting good content is new. An example is the American video portal, where active video makers receive royalties for every 1000 views of their original works. Even YouTube not so long ago concluded an agreement with one of the authors, according to which the latter receives a certain percentage of banner ads placed on pages with the "releases" of its popular reality show.

    Authors of the videos earned in this way can be obtained using the Yandex.Money system or to the Webmoney R-wallet.

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