A few simple words about missile defense
Those who are deeply familiar with the basics of the work of the missile defense system (ABM), this text is unlikely to be interesting. To all the rest, maybe he will discover something new. At the very least, it will become clear why there is so much noise around hypersonic warheads.
The classical missile defense system usually includes several main components: a radar station (radar) for detecting and tracking targets and antimissiles, a command and computing center (CWP), a firing missile system with antimissiles, a complex of means for transferring data between system components and technical positions to prepare antimissiles for work. The whole complex works as follows: having received target designation from “large” early warning radars, the radars of the missile defense system detect the target (enemy warheads) in the specified sector, take the target for tracking and, under control of the command and computing point, start launching anti-missiles at the preemptive points of the simulated flight trajectories attacking warheads with undermining antimissiles by missile defense system commands.

Radar "Don-2N" / PILL BOX ABM system A-135, pos.Sofrino-1, 12.28.2011 (author photo - Leonid Varlamov, mmet.livejournal.com )
And what will happen if the warhead-target performs the maneuver?Then, at the end of the maneuver, the missile defense system will have to recalculate the new potential target trajectory and adjust the anti-missiles that are already in the air. And if the designated missiles do not have time to the changed point in space (where they must explode to destroy the warhead), then here is the missile missile and the success of the maneuvering warhead. And, if the warhead again maneuvers, then everything is new. And again maneuver. And so on until the complete degradation of the combat performance of the missile defense system.
What to do? There are not many options for action when it is necessary to fight a maneuvering warhead. The simplest thing is to increase the speed of the computer at the command and computing point and increase the expenditure of antimissiles. We can shoot, conditionally speaking, with a “fan”, blocking as much as possible a wide range of possible trajectories with antimissiles. Yes, part of the missiles will probably go into the “milk”, but we will close the majority of the space where the target warhead may be in the case of the intended maneuvers. Another solution is, for example, several maneuvering high-speed self-guided striking elements on each anti-missile. The anti-missile system flies towards the warhead, it begins to maneuver, the anti-missile launches maneuvering striking elements with a similar “fan” again blocking the spectrum of the probable trajectories of the warhead. Finally, Another solution is to avoid the need to take into account the maneuverable capabilities of antimissiles and the capabilities of the computer of the CWP. Those. we need to either create anti-missiles with energy capabilities that are significantly superior to the attacking blocks, or provide an almost instantaneous impact on the target warhead, for example, with the help of a magic wand or a laser beam. Pro wand, of course, a joke.

Anti-missile missiles 53T6 / PRS-1 / ABM-3 GAZELLE at the launch of 10.26.2010, the 35th site of the Sary-Shagan test site (photo - Mikhail Khodaryon , vpk-news.ru )
So in our modern reality, “laser cannons” capable of hitting an attacker attacking us in a matter of seconds do not exist. And hardly in the foreseeable future, such systems will be created. That, in general, was proved by Soviet fundamental research at the Sary-Shagan test site in the 1970s and 1980s. It remains to rely on high-energy anti-missiles, the speed of a computer and the most rapid detection of targets. One of the solutions is to increase the speed of the system to put most of the calculations on the rocket. Actually, this is already implemented in systems with a self-guided type of interceptor, for example, SM-3 Block IIA and SM-3 Block IIB. I think that similar work is underway on our side of the ocean.
Another point associated with atmospheric hypersonic objects - low altitude. Ordinary ballistic warheads reach heights of several hundred kilometers during intercontinental flight, and thus their detection by ground-based missile defense systems is possible with some time needed to detect and identify targets, select real targets in the cloud and against the background of interference, determine trajectories and combat operation of the missile defense system. In the case of a hypersonic object that moves along the border of dense layers of the atmosphere - say 60-70 km - it will come out above the radio horizon of the missile defense system of the missile defense system much later, almost without leaving the working time missile defense systems created 20-30 years ago. This is exactly about the A-135 missile defense system, which provides missile defense for the Central Industrial District and the city of Moscow. Respectively, it is necessary to replace not only the hardware of the computing complexes, but also a serious replacement of all the algorithms of work, because with high probability without all this new types of targets may simply go unnoticed by the old A-135 because “they are not like they should be”. I think that this work has been going on for the last 5-10 years in the process of working on an updated A-235 missile defense system. But let me remind you that for the time being we still have the same 53T6 missiles, which were created in the 1970-1980s. So, I think that there will be news in the coming years. Must be! that this work has been going on for the last 5-10 years in the process of working on the updated A-235 missile defense system. But let me remind you that for the time being we still have the same 53T6 missiles, which were created in the 1970-1980s. So, I think that there will be news in the coming years. Must be! that this work has been going on for the last 5-10 years in the process of working on the updated A-235 missile defense system. But let me remind you that for the time being we still have the same 53T6 missiles, which were created in the 1970-1980s. So, I think that there will be news in the coming years. Must be!
The classical missile defense system usually includes several main components: a radar station (radar) for detecting and tracking targets and antimissiles, a command and computing center (CWP), a firing missile system with antimissiles, a complex of means for transferring data between system components and technical positions to prepare antimissiles for work. The whole complex works as follows: having received target designation from “large” early warning radars, the radars of the missile defense system detect the target (enemy warheads) in the specified sector, take the target for tracking and, under control of the command and computing point, start launching anti-missiles at the preemptive points of the simulated flight trajectories attacking warheads with undermining antimissiles by missile defense system commands.

Radar "Don-2N" / PILL BOX ABM system A-135, pos.Sofrino-1, 12.28.2011 (author photo - Leonid Varlamov, mmet.livejournal.com )
And what will happen if the warhead-target performs the maneuver?Then, at the end of the maneuver, the missile defense system will have to recalculate the new potential target trajectory and adjust the anti-missiles that are already in the air. And if the designated missiles do not have time to the changed point in space (where they must explode to destroy the warhead), then here is the missile missile and the success of the maneuvering warhead. And, if the warhead again maneuvers, then everything is new. And again maneuver. And so on until the complete degradation of the combat performance of the missile defense system.
What to do? There are not many options for action when it is necessary to fight a maneuvering warhead. The simplest thing is to increase the speed of the computer at the command and computing point and increase the expenditure of antimissiles. We can shoot, conditionally speaking, with a “fan”, blocking as much as possible a wide range of possible trajectories with antimissiles. Yes, part of the missiles will probably go into the “milk”, but we will close the majority of the space where the target warhead may be in the case of the intended maneuvers. Another solution is, for example, several maneuvering high-speed self-guided striking elements on each anti-missile. The anti-missile system flies towards the warhead, it begins to maneuver, the anti-missile launches maneuvering striking elements with a similar “fan” again blocking the spectrum of the probable trajectories of the warhead. Finally, Another solution is to avoid the need to take into account the maneuverable capabilities of antimissiles and the capabilities of the computer of the CWP. Those. we need to either create anti-missiles with energy capabilities that are significantly superior to the attacking blocks, or provide an almost instantaneous impact on the target warhead, for example, with the help of a magic wand or a laser beam. Pro wand, of course, a joke.

Anti-missile missiles 53T6 / PRS-1 / ABM-3 GAZELLE at the launch of 10.26.2010, the 35th site of the Sary-Shagan test site (photo - Mikhail Khodaryon , vpk-news.ru )
So in our modern reality, “laser cannons” capable of hitting an attacker attacking us in a matter of seconds do not exist. And hardly in the foreseeable future, such systems will be created. That, in general, was proved by Soviet fundamental research at the Sary-Shagan test site in the 1970s and 1980s. It remains to rely on high-energy anti-missiles, the speed of a computer and the most rapid detection of targets. One of the solutions is to increase the speed of the system to put most of the calculations on the rocket. Actually, this is already implemented in systems with a self-guided type of interceptor, for example, SM-3 Block IIA and SM-3 Block IIB. I think that similar work is underway on our side of the ocean.
Another point associated with atmospheric hypersonic objects - low altitude. Ordinary ballistic warheads reach heights of several hundred kilometers during intercontinental flight, and thus their detection by ground-based missile defense systems is possible with some time needed to detect and identify targets, select real targets in the cloud and against the background of interference, determine trajectories and combat operation of the missile defense system. In the case of a hypersonic object that moves along the border of dense layers of the atmosphere - say 60-70 km - it will come out above the radio horizon of the missile defense system of the missile defense system much later, almost without leaving the working time missile defense systems created 20-30 years ago. This is exactly about the A-135 missile defense system, which provides missile defense for the Central Industrial District and the city of Moscow. Respectively, it is necessary to replace not only the hardware of the computing complexes, but also a serious replacement of all the algorithms of work, because with high probability without all this new types of targets may simply go unnoticed by the old A-135 because “they are not like they should be”. I think that this work has been going on for the last 5-10 years in the process of working on an updated A-235 missile defense system. But let me remind you that for the time being we still have the same 53T6 missiles, which were created in the 1970-1980s. So, I think that there will be news in the coming years. Must be! that this work has been going on for the last 5-10 years in the process of working on the updated A-235 missile defense system. But let me remind you that for the time being we still have the same 53T6 missiles, which were created in the 1970-1980s. So, I think that there will be news in the coming years. Must be! that this work has been going on for the last 5-10 years in the process of working on the updated A-235 missile defense system. But let me remind you that for the time being we still have the same 53T6 missiles, which were created in the 1970-1980s. So, I think that there will be news in the coming years. Must be!