Runetology (79): product director of the combined company Rambler and Afisha Dmitry Stepanov

    Dmitry Stepanov - about the development of Afisha and the partnership management style, about how he became a marketer by reading four pages of a marketing textbook, about’s strategy and its audience, as well as how they will develop together “ Poster "and Rambler. In the second part of the program, Dmitry and I summarize the results of the year in Runet.

    Guest Interview:
    • Dmitry Stepanov’s career: World of Internet,, Russian Railways, RBC hosting center, Afisha.
    • Early an inside look.
    • swan, cancer, and pike that have achieved synergy.
    • “It’s always exciting to do things in which you don’t understand anything at first.”
    • How Dmitry Stepanov turned from a product into a business.
    • What awaits Rambler and Afisha after the merger?
    • Intuition in startups.
    Main events and trends of the year:
    • Group held an IPO.
    • Registration of domains in zone.rf has opened.
    • The boom of Groupon and its clones has spread to Russia.
    • Investors' interest in start-ups has intensified; Western players are seeking Russia.
    • Facebook forcedly seized positions in the Russian market.
    • The mass arrival of government officials on the Internet.
    • In RuNet, there was more work with a shortage of qualified personnel.
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