Firmware j_r0dd's Preclair v1.2 for Motorola Backflip released

    Technical DetailsUntil recently, this device, remarkable and ambiguous in its design, was rather deprived by the manufacturer in its software component. Initially, the communicator came with 1.5 (Cupcake), most recently the owners of the American version from ATT got the opportunity to officially update 2.1 (Eclair). European and Canadian users are out of work. At the same time, most bugs, shortcomings and limitations moved from the official firmware 1.5 to the official firmware version 2.1

    Firmware j_r0dd's Preclair v1.2
    designed to correct the situation. The main differences:
    [+] root
    [+] wifi tether
    [+] multitouch
    [+] ad blocking
    [*] many minor improvements
    [-] operator misunderstanding

    Links to installation instructions:

    1. (if you have 1.5 now) Obtaining root access | Russian version .

    1. (if you have 2.1 now) Obtaining root access

    2. Firmware j_r0dd's custom recovery

    3. Firmware j_r0dd's Preclair v1.2 Preclair | Russian version

    Be careful, with a wrong hand movement the phone turns into a brick.

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