BetsGoWild launched: go argue! :-)

    Today, a public beta of the New York-based startup BetsGoWild , a community that makes different bets among themselves , was launched . The site uses its own virtual money, called WildBucks.

    Each user can bet, but not only with one person, but with the whole community. So, in the betting settings (it sounds unusual, doesn’t it?) You need to set, of course, a topic for the dispute, choose the side that you accept in this dispute (agree / disagree), place tags, put in a category (there are eight of them now + " other ”), indicate the date when the dispute is resolved and the date by which you can argue. You can indicate what will be the dispute (you can choose either virtual money or some gift). You can insert photos, audio and video into each topic with a bet.

    Users can argue about different topics. Initially (after registration), the user is given 1,500 WildBucks, on which, in fact, a dispute is made (in most cases). If you vote with the majority, then the amount of winnings is reduced, if you make a risky statement, then in case of victory you can break a decent jackpot. If you win, then in addition to increasing your virtual money (or getting any prize), you will raise your rating. Well, if you lose - stay with your nose :)

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