Facebook won Facebook.me
The history of the struggle of Facebook for the domain name Facebook.me, registered in a resident of the United Arab Emirates, has ended. The largest global social network has received the rights to the domain name Facebook.me.

Earlier, the social network filed a lawsuit with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which stated that the domain facebook.me is used by cybersquatters who profit from the popularity of the Facebook brand. Recall that according to the decree of ICANN Internet Corporation, the World Intellectual Property Organization acts as the supreme arbitration tribunal in resolving domain disputes.
The plaintiff, in general, did not have to prove that the controversial domain name is confusingly similar to the Facebook trademark registered in accordance with international and several national procedures, which means it can mislead Internet users. In addition, the cunning UAE resident tried to resell the Facebook.me corporation for a price “that far exceeds its possible costs.” Consequently, the domain was used, and what is most “terrible”, was registered with dishonest intentions.
The defendant himself, of course, did not admit his guilt, he tried to give a counterargument that he “did not even think of creating any site on this domain name; I just wanted him to redirect to a personal page on the Internet. " The WIPO Arbitration Group, which considered the case, listened to these arguments, but nevertheless decided in favor of the corporation-social network Facebook, which, by the way, had already obtained the domains Facebook.IR (Iran), Facebook.NL (Netherlands), Facebook.ES (Spain), Facebook.COM.AU (Australia) and Facebook.IE (Ireland). The WIPO decision said that the domain facebook.me was indeed registered for fraudulent purposes and the previous owner of the domain fully understood this fact.

Earlier, the social network filed a lawsuit with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which stated that the domain facebook.me is used by cybersquatters who profit from the popularity of the Facebook brand. Recall that according to the decree of ICANN Internet Corporation, the World Intellectual Property Organization acts as the supreme arbitration tribunal in resolving domain disputes.
The plaintiff, in general, did not have to prove that the controversial domain name is confusingly similar to the Facebook trademark registered in accordance with international and several national procedures, which means it can mislead Internet users. In addition, the cunning UAE resident tried to resell the Facebook.me corporation for a price “that far exceeds its possible costs.” Consequently, the domain was used, and what is most “terrible”, was registered with dishonest intentions.
The defendant himself, of course, did not admit his guilt, he tried to give a counterargument that he “did not even think of creating any site on this domain name; I just wanted him to redirect to a personal page on the Internet. " The WIPO Arbitration Group, which considered the case, listened to these arguments, but nevertheless decided in favor of the corporation-social network Facebook, which, by the way, had already obtained the domains Facebook.IR (Iran), Facebook.NL (Netherlands), Facebook.ES (Spain), Facebook.COM.AU (Australia) and Facebook.IE (Ireland). The WIPO decision said that the domain facebook.me was indeed registered for fraudulent purposes and the previous owner of the domain fully understood this fact.